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Does anyone have any activities they use to demonstrate how to be empathetic ?

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The question was posted by Anjana on 14/11/2019 23:03:31

I would be grateful if anyone has any materials and or activities they use for demonstrating empathy. If you are willing to share my email address is [email protected]

Many thanks in advance

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Hi Anjana
I often use the Brene Brown youtub video on empathy - it's great for starting a discussion on this topic and defining the difference between empathy and sympathy... many people identify with the statements within it!

Hope it helps!

Kind regards

Hi Anjana Below are links to empathy videos online that I use and a link to the empathy toy. I have not used the toy myself as yet, it looks really interesting. Kind regards Mechelle
you might want to look at rsvp design uk they have a great game called blindfold which is great for empathy activities, listening skills, communication, etc. check it out.
Also, there is a great toy in the US called The Empathy Toy by Twenty One Toys - same concept.
Used both for exercises very powerful.
Hi Anjana,

You may have already looked at these, but if not, how about:

Emotional Intelligence 2 - Awareness of Others and Empathy:
Negotiation Based on Position:
Restaurant Revolution:
The Hotel Booking:
Doctor in the House:

I think all of these would enable you to explore some important learning points around this topic.

If you can add a bit of background to your request, that might trigger other ideas too. :-)

Hope this helps?


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