This four-hour online MHFA Refresher course will support MHFAiders® by:
Renewing their skills
Updating their knowledge of mental health supports
Giving them the chance to practice applying the Mental Health First Aid action plan
Providing them access to three years of MHFAider® support and benefits
By investing in the course it will help to keep MHFAiders® motivated, empowered and confident to carrying out their roles, and give the peace of mind that they can perform their duties effectively.
MHFAiders® now get automatic 24/7 digital support through the MHFAider Support App®. From there they will find exclusive resources, ongoing learning opportunities and the benefit of joining England’s largest community of trained MHFAiders®.
Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities via Zoom.
We believe that mental health should be treated equally to physical health – and just like physical first aid, Mental Health First Aid training should be kept up to-date. We recommend MHFA Refresher training every three years .
You will need to have completed the full two day Mental Health First Aider training course in order to attend this workshop.