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Team Building Games 

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Here you'll find uniquely crafted training exercises that develop or test a range of skills and behaviours. Each of our Team Building Games is engaging with an emphasis on learning through doing. They are often complex and usually require longer than an individual Course Module to run effectively.

Every Team Building Game includes a detailed trainer's guide that explains exactly how to run the training activity, and provides details of learning points.

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A Bridge Too Far?

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To demonstrate the problems that remote teams encounter when they are collectively responsible for a project.
• To demonstrate the importance of remote teams working effectively together as a single team.
• To demonstrate the importance of communication between teams who work in remote locations with little experience of working together.
• To get teams and participants to quickly identify gaps in resources and come up with solutions to minimise the impact of shortages.


This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 90 minutes.

• To demonstrate the problems that remote teams encounter when they are collectively responsible for a project.
• To demonstrate the importance of remote teams working effectively together as a single team.
• To demonstrate the importance of communication between teams who work in remote locations with little experience of working together.
• To get teams and participants to quickly identify gaps in resources and come up with solutions to minimise the impact of shortages.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, leadership, teamwork and collaboration across remote teams, time management, creative thinking, and planning.

Group Size:
This exercise works best when you have more than 12 participants, (and can be used with much larger numbers). It will not work if you have fewer than 8 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A separate room or private working area for each of the 4 teams.
• A separate brief for each team.
• Sheets of thin card. (Enough for several sheets to be given to each team.)
• Old newspapers. (Each team will need a few.)
• Sticky tape for each team.
• Scissors. (Three pairs.)
• A 30cm ruler.
• 4 x small ‘Lego’ wheels, or similar.
• 6 x cocktail sticks.
• An (unopened) tin of baked beans (or similar).
• Post-it notes.
• 4 x message boards (flipchart paper).

The exercise itself will take 45 minutes to run once introduced. You should allow at least a further 45 minutes for debrief and discussion of the key learning points unless this exercise is forming part of a longer programme in which case you may be able to review the key learning points more quickly.

For larger teams you may want to have additional facilitators. Should you wish to use extra facilitators for this exercise (perhaps taken from the participant group) there is a handy 'Facilitators Brief' that can be downloaded from Trainers’ Library. It is suggested that you allocate facilitator(s) to specific teams where they will be able to answer questions, check timings and observe what happens. You may wish to ask the facilitator(s) to write notes and feedback their comments at the end of the exercise.


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A Level Playing Field - Diversity Game

In total we estimate this exercise will take 150 minutes.

• To check understanding of UK workplace Equality Law and build awareness of the responsibilities all employees and managers have.


This game will take about 90 minutes to play. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 150 minutes to complete the game and ensure that all of the learning points are brought out.

• To check understanding of UK workplace Equality Law and build awareness of the responsibilities all employees and managers have.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of between between 8 and 12 participants.

Useful For:
Everyone in the workplace – because everyone needs to be clear on what they can and can’t do. This is not a topic bound by status and participants will have the most fun from the game if there is a mix of roles, seniority and experience in each team. The game will be especially useful for managers and team leaders who are usually closest to managing diversity and equality issues and need to be clear on the law.

You'll Need:
• A Spinner.
• The Game Board.
• A Questions and Answers sheet.
• 4 differently coloured sets of 8 counters.
• Up to 12 participants (4 teams of 3).

This exercise is suitable for use with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s run as a competitive game, which is a race to the finish and played in 4 teams with 2-3 players in each team. We do not recommend having teams with more than 3 participants.

Most questions have multiple choice or yes/no answers. This means that the third team to have a go at a question is pretty much guaranteed to get a correct answer when the question comes round again. This keeps the overall time for the game within reasonable limits and adds to the fun, because of the danger of a team getting the answer wrong and allowing another team to get in with the right answer next time.

The game is very easy to play. We suggest that you have a practice run beforehand to ensure you are clear on how it works.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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A Welsh Holiday - Testing Communication Between Teams

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To help participants develop their communication skills and in particular their listening skills, their ability to share information effectively and their ability to explore problems objectively.
• To illustrate the importance of teamwork and develop the skills needed to work effectively with other teams – particularly where teams are small and geographically diverse.
• To understand that effective teamwork involves identifying and capitalising on all of the unique skills and talents of individuals within the team.


This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.

• To help participants develop their communication skills and in particular their listening skills, their ability to share information effectively and their ability to explore problems objectively.
• To illustrate the importance of teamwork and develop the skills needed to work effectively with other teams – particularly where teams are small and geographically diverse.
• To understand that effective teamwork involves identifying and capitalising on all of the unique skills and talents of individuals within the team.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, teamwork, collaboration, information sharing, information gathering, listening, questioning, attention to detail and problem solving.

Group Size:
A minimum of 2 participants are required for this exercise.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• At least two rooms or separate work areas, ideally one for each team.
• A mobile phone for each team (they can use one of their own, if willing).
• One OS Landranger map 125 and one OS Landranger map 124 for every two teams participating (available from the Ordnance Survey website).
• A brief for each team (Brief 1 for Team 1 and Brief 2 for Team 2).
• A length of string (at least 1 metre long) for each team.

Each team will work with 1 other team (the partner team) in a separate location, who they should be able to contact by phone. (If there are only 2 participants involved, each team will consist of 1 person!)

If it’s a nice day, the exercise can be very successfully run outside. Position teams as far apart from each other as you can.

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Aquatic Experience - Understanding Customer Needs

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To help participants understand the importance of building a thorough understanding of customer needs.


This game can be played in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 90 minutes.

• To help participants understand the importance of building a thorough understanding of customer needs.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Attention to detail, communication skills, creative thinking, customer care, decision-making, influence and persuasion, marketing and sales, teamwork.

Group Size:
You can run this exercise with as few as 3 or 4 participants working together in one team. It works best however, with more than one team, competing to win the contract.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Plenty of space. Ideally each team will have a separate breakout room to work in. In addition, you will need a central point where all teams will go to meet Sandy Shore (that’s you!) and to ‘buy’ supplies.
• A supply of materials for the teams to build their prototype fish tanks (see the Supply List for full details).
• A whistle (optional).
• A prize for the winning team (optional).
• A ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.

We’ve based our timings on a group of 12-18 participants (three teams), but this exercise could successfully be run with more teams than this. If you do run the exercise with more teams, you’ll need to consider appointing a ‘secretary’ for Sandy Shore and adjusting the running time.


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At a Crossroads - Board Game for New Managers

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a manager and how to approach them with the right balance of ethics and pragmatism.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a manager and how to approach them with the right balance of ethics and pragmatism.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 4 to 18 participants.

Useful For:
Learners who are brand new managers (or very soon will be), particularly if they have been promoted from within the team.

You'll Need:
• Playing pieces, one per team.
• Small prize for the winning team.
• 60 second timer or stopwatch.
• Facilitator Traffic Lights.
• At a Crossroads Conundrum Cards.
• At a Crossroads Diversion Cards (3 per team).
• At a Crossroads Game Board.
• At a Crossroads Suggested Answers (for the facilitator).

This exercise is suitable for use with groups of up to 18 participants. It is run as a competitive game, which is a race to the finish and played in teams of two or three players. We do not recommend having teams with more than three participants.

All the scenarios contained in the cards are based on actual experiences faced by managers in their first year of managing a team. It is a particularly useful exercise for people who have been promoted from within the team to become the manager and who are struggling to adapt to their new role with people who were once their peers.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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At a Crossroads - Board Game for Trainers

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a trainer and encourage trainers to reflect on how they’d approach them.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face as a trainer and encourage trainers to reflect on how they’d approach them.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 4 to 18 participants.

Useful For:
New trainers or those looking to build their skills and review challenges they might face or have faced.

You'll Need:
• Playing pieces, one per team.
• Small prize for the winning team.
• 60 second timer or stopwatch.
• Facilitator Traffic Lights.
• At a Crossroads Conundrum Cards.
• At a Crossroads Diversion Cards (3 per team).
• At a Crossroads Game Board.
• At a Crossroads Suggested Answers (for the facilitator).

This exercise is suitable for use with groups of up to 18 participants. It is run as a competitive game, which is a race to the finish and played in teams of two or three players. We do not recommend having teams with more than three participants.

All the scenarios contained in the cards are based on actual experiences faced by trainers.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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At a Crossroads - Performance Management

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face whilst managing the performance of individuals in their team.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To explore some of the challenges participants will face whilst managing the performance of individuals in their team.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of between 4 to 18 participants.

Useful For:
Anyone who is responsible for the performance of others, or who soon will be.

You'll Need:
• Playing pieces, one per team.
• Small prize for the winning team.
• 60 second timer or stopwatch.
• Facilitator Traffic Lights.
• Conundrum Cards.
• Diversion Cards (3 per team).
• Game Board.
• Suggested Answers (for the facilitator).

This exercise is suitable for use with groups of up to 18 participants. It’s run as a competitive game and is a race to the finish. Played in teams of 2-3 players - we do not recommend having teams with more than 3 participants.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Boosting Glasstap's Future

In total we estimate this exercise will take 200 minutes.

• To test participants’ abilities to analyse information effectively and identify problems and their causes.
• To test participants’ abilities to think strategically, develop long-term solutions and be able to ‘sell’ these.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to develop and deliver a persuasive presentation.


This game can be played in about 135 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 200 minutes (based on 2/3 teams).

• To test participants’ abilities to analyse information effectively and identify problems and their causes.
• To test participants’ abilities to think strategically, develop long-term solutions and be able to ‘sell’ these.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to develop and deliver a persuasive presentation.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Project management, leadership, teamwork, time management, communication, information gathering, problem solving, attention to detail, planning, creative thinking, marketing, presentation, negotiation.

Group Size:
You’ll need a minimum of 4 participants for this exercise.

Useful For:
Managers at all levels, particularly those involved in managing projects. It can also be used with other staff as a way to assess a variety of skills over a three-hour period.

You'll Need:
• One complete pack of information for each team.
• Plenty of space. (Ideally each of your teams will have a separate breakout room to work in.)
• Name cards for each member of the Parish Council – Martin Webster, Glenda McWilliams, Robert Fungle, Richard Longfoot and Denise Roberts.
• A supply of grant application forms, which you can hand out on request. (If using the simpler version of the exercise with no grants, you won’t need these.)
• Card, scissors, colour pens etc. (optional).
• A small prize for the winning team.
• A screen (for the PowerPoint Calendar countdown).

All of the documents required by participants are included in each of the Participant Packs. You can run a slightly simpler version of this exercise, without the grants, by using the ‘simpler participant pack’. The time required for this exercise will be determined by the number of teams. Each team is required to give a 15-minute presentation at the end of their preparation time (135 minutes).


Bringing the Cows Home - Testing Analytical Thinking

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• Test analytical skills and encourage clear thinking.
• Test participants’ attention to detail, individually or collectively, and to test levels of accuracy under pressure.
• Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.


This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.

• Test analytical skills and encourage clear thinking.
• Test participants’ attention to detail, individually or collectively, and to test levels of accuracy under pressure.
• Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Analytical skills, attention to detail, problem solving, teamwork.

Group Size:
We recommend placing participants into teams of 2–4 for this exercise. However, strictly speaking there is no minimum number of participants – this exercise can even be used to test individual skills.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• At least one Farm Map for each team; if teams have more than three people in them, you might prefer to provide teams with two copies of the map.
• One copy of the Team Brief for each team.

In this exercise participants are presented with a lot of information and success will depend on their ability to approach the problem in a structured, methodical way and work effectively under pressure.

This exercise can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams. If you wish to use the exercise in this way, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.


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Filing Frenzy!

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively.
• To test participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure.
• To show how tasks can be broken down into achievable goals, and how teams can use short term goals to improve performance.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together effectively.
• To examine the impact of change on comfort zones and confidence.


This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 90 minutes.

• To test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively.
• To test participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure.
• To show how tasks can be broken down into achievable goals, and how teams can use short term goals to improve performance.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together effectively.
• To examine the impact of change on comfort zones and confidence.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Accuracy and attention to detail, teamwork, goal setting, managing change and leadership.

Group Size:
There is no minimum number of participants – this exercise can even be used to test individual skills.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• One set of Filing Frenzy and instruction cards for each individual or team (see notes).
• A stopwatch or watch.
• A whistle or bell (optional).

This exercise is normally run as a series of short 10-minute activities (with discussion at various points). These activities can be run back to back, but are perhaps more effective when used as an intermittent energiser during a training day/course and used to illustrate or highlight learning points covered in detail elsewhere in the training programme.

You will need one set of Filing Frenzy cards for each individual or team. (We recommend a set of 180 cards for each individual or team, i.e., 10 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document if running the exercises on the following pages.)

However, for a simple ‘accuracy test’ you could use fewer cards. For example:
• Individuals – 36 cards (2 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document).
• Teams of 2-3 – 90 cards (5 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document).
• Teams of 4-6 – 126 cards (7 copies of the ‘Filing Frenzy Cards’ document).

Note of Caution:
This exercise may not be suitable for participants who are colour blind or visually impaired. However, in most cases anyone who falls into this category can still be involved. Ask them to observe/listen to the teams during the exercise, identifying effective and less effective behaviours in order to provide constructive feedback afterwards.


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GamePlay - The Business Simulation Game

In total we estimate this exercise will take 180 minutes.

• To test participants’ creative thinking and innovation skills.
• To test participants’ business acumen and marketing skills.
• To develop team and leadership skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to work creatively under pressure.
• To think about and practise skills covered in the training programme.


This game can be played in about 120 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 180 minutes.

• To test participants’ creative thinking and innovation skills.
• To test participants’ business acumen and marketing skills.
• To develop team and leadership skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to work creatively under pressure.
• To think about and practise skills covered in the training programme.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Creativity and innovation, leadership, teamwork, time management, marketing and business acumen.

Group Size:
You’ll need a minimum of 3 teams for this exercise with a minimum of 3 participants in each team. This is the minimum and the ideal is 4 or 5 teams, with 4-5 participants in each team.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels, including those in senior roles.

You'll Need:
• A GamePlay game pack for each team, (which contains ‘hats, bidding paddles and coins).
• A supply of ‘game elements’, including, for example, dice, boards, cards, counters etc. (You’ll need 4 or 5 components for each team and each component should be unique.) See more detailed note under ‘Set Up’.
• A brief for each team.
• A set of ‘Lot’ cards for every Gameplay game pack.
• Plenty of space - ideally each team will have a separate room in which to work.

In this exercise, teams create a new game, which can be linked to the key skills you’re looking to develop. It is ideally suited to residential courses, where participants can continue to refine their product during the evening, ready to make their ‘sales pitch’ the following morning. Or, you can allow them the usual two hours, then provide an opportunity for players to play all the games in the evening before voting for their favourite the next morning.

Having a co-facilitator for this exercise will really help, as it will give you more opportunity to observe interactions within the teams that you can use in feedback later.


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Glasstap Sheep Trials - An Exercise in Communication and Continuous Improvement

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To test participants' planning and communication skills.
• To demonstrate the importance of listening and using summary and clarification to check understanding.
• To consider what makes communication effective and the dangers of getting it wrong.
• To energise a group of participants.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes to complete this module.

• To test participants' planning and communication skills.
• To demonstrate the importance of listening and using summary and clarification to check understanding.
• To consider what makes communication effective and the dangers of getting it wrong.
• To energise a group of participants.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Whistles (one for each team).
• A stopwatch.
• Skittles and hoops (or similar-see note).
• Prizes.

We don't often develop exercises specifically for the outdoors, but this is a simple exercise that can be used by anyone with access to a park, lawn or yard. A great energiser for sunny days and one which really does contain some important lessons about communication and the importance of checking understanding.

This exercise does require some preparation as you'll need to devise a 'course' for your participants to follow. Preparation will take about 5 minutes once you have the items you'll need. The course maps show three different routes through the same course, which means you won't have to change the course itself if playing more than one round.

We suggest using hula-hoops for your 'pens'. If not, you can mark the 'pens' out using other things like rope or giant pick-up sticks. Skittles, cones or balls can be used to mark out the rest of the course.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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His Lordship’s Garden Party - Strategy and Teamwork

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To test participants’ abilities to plan and develop a strategy that delivers a good result for the ‘customer’.
• To test participants’ abilities to effectively utilise skills within the team to solve a series of problems.
• To test participants’ abilities to anticipate and successfully respond to unexpected challenges.


This game can be played in about 45 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.

• To test participants’ abilities to plan and develop a strategy that delivers a good result for the ‘customer’.
• To test participants’ abilities to effectively utilise skills within the team to solve a series of problems.
• To test participants’ abilities to anticipate and successfully respond to unexpected challenges.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Teamwork, planning, problem solving, time management, communication, attention to detail.

Group Size:
We suggest running this exercise with teams of 3-5 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels. It can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams.

You'll Need:
Each team will need:
• A copy of the Brief, Task List and Additional Information Handout.
• Two Promise Slips.
• Plenty of flipchart paper and marker pens.
• A blue, green and red pen (or one that is all three).
• A length of string.
• A ruler.
• A self-tie bow tie.
• A pack of playing cards.
• A ball.
• A die.
• 25 recycled paper cups.
• A range of small toys including a dinosaur.

You will need:
• Flash cards for the party guests (provided).
• A blindfold.

This team building game can be used in a number of ways, and can be applied to many different topics including project management, teamwork, planning and setting expectations. It can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams and if that’s your intention, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.

The activity itself takes 45 minutes and you should allow a further 30-45 minutes to review and score the teams’ performance and explore the key learning points.


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Hold The Front Page!

In total we estimate this exercise will take 150 minutes.

• Show participants the importance of effective communication when working together under pressure.
• Test participants’ abilities to:
  - Quickly assimilate and share information effectively.
  - Prioritise and manage changing priorities.
• Raise awareness of how critical effective project management and planning skills are when dealing with fast-changing situations.
• Highlight the need for a clear process when making decisions quickly.
• Understand the importance of building credibility through concise, clear, accurate communication that has the recipient in mind.
• Allow participants to practise or demonstrate their leadership skills, managing a project, delegating responsibility and encouraging and motivating fellow participants.


This game can be played in about 90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 150 minutes.

• Show participants the importance of effective communication when working together under pressure.
• Test participants’ abilities to:
  - Quickly assimilate and share information effectively.
  - Prioritise and manage changing priorities.
• Raise awareness of how critical effective project management and planning skills are when dealing with fast-changing situations.
• Highlight the need for a clear process when making decisions quickly.
• Understand the importance of building credibility through concise, clear, accurate communication that has the recipient in mind.
• Allow participants to practise or demonstrate their leadership skills, managing a project, delegating responsibility and encouraging and motivating fellow participants.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Team skills, planning and project management skills, writing skills, attention to detail, leadership and time management.

Group Size:
This exercise works best when you have at least 2 teams competing to produce the best front page. Each team should have a minimum of 3 and, ideally, a maximum of 6 participants.

Useful For:
Supervisors and managers or anyone involved in project work.

You'll Need:
• Each team will need a separate area in which to work.
• Each participant will need access to a computer/laptop (with MS Word or equivalent installed) and a printer (one printer can be shared by all teams).
• Each team will need access to a phone. If there is a telephone in the room that they are working in, use this. Otherwise, you could ask one member of each team to keep their mobile phone on – as long as you’re sure they won’t get real work calls.
• Teams will need access to pens, notepaper, scissors and glue.
• Each team will need one sheet of flipchart paper. (Keep some spare sheets handy in case of need.)
• Each team will need a team brief and copies of previous issues of the Fumberland News (downloaded from Trainers’ Library).
• Each team will need one complete set of ‘stories’ (downloaded from Trainers’ Library).
• You will need the ‘Breaking News’ script (found at the end of these trainer’s notes.)

Hold the Front Page! can be used to asses and develop a whole range of skills including team skills, planning and project management skills, writing skills, attention to detail, leadership and time management.

We think that four in a team for this exercise is better than six, so if you have twelve participants, we’d recommend creating three teams of four. If you have teams of three, you may wish to allow participants an extra 15 minutes to complete the exercise, as time will be particularly tight.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library called Hold the Front Page! - Teamwork Under Pressure.


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Hotel Doldrums - The Teambuilding Game

In total we estimate this exercise will take 300 minutes.

• To encourage participants to analyse financial and other data using a SWOT analysis.
• To give participants the opportunity to identify and explore options and appraise these.
• To build an understanding of the key steps in strategic planning.
• For participants to create a 3 year outline strategic plan based on the fictional case study they’ve been given.
• To encourage participants to prepare and give a persuasive presentation outlining their strategy and the work they have done.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.


This game can be played in about 240 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 300 minutes (based on 3 teams).

• To encourage participants to analyse financial and other data using a SWOT analysis.
• To give participants the opportunity to identify and explore options and appraise these.
• To build an understanding of the key steps in strategic planning.
• For participants to create a 3 year outline strategic plan based on the fictional case study they’ve been given.
• To encourage participants to prepare and give a persuasive presentation outlining their strategy and the work they have done.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Analytical skills, strategic thinking, entrepreneurial skills, creative thinking, planning, time management, leadership, teamwork and marketing.

Group Size:
An ideal group size for this module is 12, with participants working in 3 teams of 4. If you have more than 15 participants in your group, you may want to consider ‘doubling up’ on some of the briefs with more than one team using the same scenario. This doesn’t detract from the learning; in fact it can be interesting to see how different teams approach the same problem and task.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels including individuals, groups and teams that need to use strategic planning and analysis skills in the workplace.

You'll Need:
• One hotel data pack for each team.
• Plenty of space. (Ideally each of your teams will have a separate breakout room to work in.)
• You can also provide participants with tools to help them produce a powerful presentation if you wish.

Hotel Doldrums is a teambuilding game based around a challenging business scenario, where three hotels in the same small town are struggling to survive.

Each hotel is represented by a different team that must try to develop a business and marketing plan that will persuade the bank to support their hotel over the others.

For a more trainer-led intervention, Hotel Doldrums is also available as three separate course modules that together make up a complete 1.5 day workshop. The trainer’s notes for this alternative version can be found in Trainers’ Library under Course Modules/Strategic Thinking.


Island of Opportunity - A Test of Negotiation Skills

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of building a clear understanding of needs and feelings in negotiation, through effective questioning and listening.
• To show the importance of separating people and personalities from the problems.
• To show the value of a shared problem/creative solution finding approach to negotiation.
• To provide an opportunity to practise negotiation, teamwork and problem solving skills.


This game can be played in about 70 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 90 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of building a clear understanding of needs and feelings in negotiation, through effective questioning and listening.
• To show the importance of separating people and personalities from the problems.
• To show the value of a shared problem/creative solution finding approach to negotiation.
• To provide an opportunity to practise negotiation, teamwork and problem solving skills.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Negotiation skills, communication, leadership, teamwork and collaboration, and problem solving.

Group Size:
This game involves participants working individually (or in pairs) representing one of 3 or, ideally 4 tribes. So each game requires a minimum of 3 participants and a maximum of 8. You can have several games running concurrently alongside each other.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels who are involved in negotiating but managers in particular.

You'll Need:
• An island map for each group of 3 or 4 tribes and ideally they should be A3 or larger and laminated.
• A different brief for each tribe.
• Chinagraph pencils (or similar) and wipes are recommended if your maps are laminated.

It’s best to run this exercise module without too much explanation.

This exercise has many different potential solutions – the learning comes from the experience of trying to find one that all parties can agree to.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


Jack Fruggle's Treasure

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• Show participants the importance of effective communication when working together.
• Test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively.
• Test time management skills and participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure.
• Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.
• Identify the diverse range of skills within teams and how to use them effectively.


This game can be played in about 45-60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75-90 minutes.

• Show participants the importance of effective communication when working together.
• Test participants’ attention to detail, individually, or collectively.
• Test time management skills and participants’ levels of accuracy under pressure.
• Allow participants to work together to solve a specific problem.
• Identify the diverse range of skills within teams and how to use them effectively.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, attention to detail, problem solving, teamwork, time management and leadership skills.

Group Size:
A minimum of 4 participants is required – ideally you will have a minimum of 8 participants, which will enable you to run the exercise with 2 teams of 4 competing.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• One set of 78 Treasure Hunt ‘Riddle’ Cards for each team.
• A whistle and a prize for the winning team (optional).

In the exercise, teams are provided a series of riddles, puzzles and questions to solve. Solving these will help participants put together a rhyme that will tell them where Jack’s treasure is hidden.

The riddles and puzzles have been deliberately designed to be diverse in nature and to draw upon different skills. They include riddles and cryptic clues, mathematical questions, word questions, and general knowledge questions. Some have been especially designed so that they require close attention to detail.

This exercise can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams. If you wish to use the exercise in this way, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Jess Blonde - Tough Negotiations for Senior Managers

In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.

• To help participants develop their negotiation skills and in particular their ability to establish their needs and wants, and those of the other party, prior to commencing negotiating.


This game can be played in about 90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 120 minutes.

• To help participants develop their negotiation skills and in particular their ability to establish their needs and wants, and those of the other party, prior to commencing negotiating.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, leadership, negotiation, teamwork and collaboration, and problem solving.

Group Size:
This exercise involves participants working in four teams. You’ll need a minimum of 2 participants in each team and a maximum of 6.

Useful For:
Managers, and particularly those at a more senior level.

You'll Need:
• Access to the Internet, to use our online scoring tool, necessary to assess teams’ performances and a printer to provide participants a copy of the results. (Only you will need this, not your participants.)
• Plenty of space. Ideally each of your four teams will have a separate breakout room to work in.
• A calculator for each team.
• Highlighters, pens and pencils for each team.
• A small prize for the winning team.
• A bell (optional).

The exercise can also be used at the end of a training event focused on negotiation, allowing participants to apply new knowledge and skills.


Murder at Glasstap Grange

In total we estimate this exercise will take 150 minutes.

• To assess team dynamics and their ability to communicate effectively and work cooperatively.
• To show the importance of sharing information with others and gathering information through effective questioning and listening.
• To understand the importance of a thorough investigation when solving problems.
• To provide an opportunity to practise working effectively under pressure and maintaining the focus and momentum needed to complete the task accurately and in the allotted time.


This game can be played in about 120 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 150 minutes.

• To assess team dynamics and their ability to communicate effectively and work cooperatively.
• To show the importance of sharing information with others and gathering information through effective questioning and listening.
• To understand the importance of a thorough investigation when solving problems.
• To provide an opportunity to practise working effectively under pressure and maintaining the focus and momentum needed to complete the task accurately and in the allotted time.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, team building, team skills, effective meetings, time management, leadership and problem solving.

Group Size:
This exercise is specially designed to be used in small groups of between 4 and 6 participants. In larger groups, teams can compete against each other to see which can come closest to solving the mystery.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels working in a team. It can also be used very effectively for virtual teams with individuals participating via a conference call, email or internet forum.

You'll Need:
• One printed copy of the story for each individual. (Take care to ensure that each team of participants has at least one copy of every version.)
• One floor plan and set of character cards for each team.
• Sufficient room to for each team to work without being distracted by other teams. Ideally, place each team in a separate syndicate room.

Murder at Glasstap Grange is a powerful tool that can also be used to assess skills in an assessment centre.



In total we estimate this exercise will take 70 minutes.

• To assess team dynamics and test individuals’ commitment to team work.
• To test participants’ abilities to communicate effectively within and across teams.
• To develop team skills and to work co-operatively together.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together to overcome problems by understanding the causes and finding appropriate solutions.
• To examine the role of leaders within teams.


This game can be played in about 30-40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 60-70 minutes.

• To assess team dynamics and test individuals’ commitment to team work.
• To test participants’ abilities to communicate effectively within and across teams.
• To develop team skills and to work co-operatively together.
• To test participants’ abilities to work together to overcome problems by understanding the causes and finding appropriate solutions.
• To examine the role of leaders within teams.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Leadership, teamwork and collaboration, communication skills, problem solving, conflict resolution.

Group Size:
You’ll need a minimum of 9 participants for this exercise. We suggest running this exercise with teams of 2–4 and an observer for each team. For smaller groups, you can reduce the number of teams to 3 (leave out team 4).

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• Two sets of 'Pairs' cards for each team. (Each set consists of 8 different picture cards.)
• A brief for each team.
• Two envelopes for each team – one clearly marked ‘correct’ and one marked ‘error’.
• Plenty of space – see note below.

You will need plenty of space for this exercise. Teams should be far enough apart so that they cannot see the cards on another team’s table (without physically going to have a look). Separate syndicate rooms for each team is the ideal.

The exercise will take 30 minutes where you have three teams, and forty minutes where there are four. We recommend another 30 minutes for the debrief and review.


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Pirate Challenge - Tough Negotiations and Creative Thinking

In total we estimate this exercise will take 135 minutes.

• Raise awareness of the importance of a clear strategy and a shared understanding of their team’s needs and priorities.
• Show participants the importance of working effectively together to agree on a strategy, allocate roles and trust one another to complete their allocated tasks.
• Test participants’ influence and persuasion skills and their ability to think creatively during negotiations.


This game can be played in about 60-90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 105-135 minutes.

• Raise awareness of the importance of a clear strategy and a shared understanding of their team’s needs and priorities.
• Show participants the importance of working effectively together to agree on a strategy, allocate roles and trust one another to complete their allocated tasks.
• Test participants’ influence and persuasion skills and their ability to think creatively during negotiations.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Influence and persuasion, negotiation, conflict resolution, strategic thinking, creativity, teamwork and attention to detail.

Group Size:
You need a minimum of 8 participants for this exercise (4 teams of 2) but 16 is better (4 teams of 4) and more is better still as you can go on adding more teams or increasing the size of the teams slightly. In fact this exercise is ideal if you have a very large group – for example, 50 participants could be split into 10 teams of 5.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
Each team will need:
• A separate area (ideally a separate room).
• A supply of card and/or newspaper.
• A small amount of modelling clay.
• A ball of string.
• Sticky tape.
• Scissors.
• A ruler.
• Toy money to the value of 270 doubloons of various denominations.
• A small roll of kitchen foil.
• A team brief and a supply of sales ledger sheets, which can be downloaded from Trainers’ Library.

You will need:
• A separate meeting area.
• A bell.
• A stopwatch or watch.
• Spare doubloons.
• A prize for the winning team.

The exercise will typically take about 60 minutes to run but you will need to allow up to 90 minutes if none of the teams fully complete a new ship.

Pirate Challenge is a hands-on exercise that is designed to test a number of skills and behaviours including influence, persuasion and negotiation, conflict resolution, strategic thinking, teamwork and attention to detail.

For this exercise, the more teams you have, the better, as a greater number of teams increases the trading options available to each team, making this exercise ideal for events where you are working with very large groups. For example, 50 people could be split into 10 teams of 5.


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Pitfalls and Trampolines - Call Centres and Telesales

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To explore common problems/conundrums associated with working in telesales or a call centre role and discuss ways of overcoming these.
• To identify and share best practices and tips for making calls successful.


This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 60 minutes.

• To explore common problems/conundrums associated with working in telesales or a call centre role and discuss ways of overcoming these.
• To identify and share best practices and tips for making calls successful.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Telesales and telephone skills, customer service, communication skills, effective questioning, building rapport, creative thinking and problem solving.

Group Size:
In this exercise participants can play individually, although we recommend they play in pairs/small teams.

Useful For:
Staff who are involved in a telesales or customer facing call centre role.

You'll Need:
• A counter for every team.
• Dice.
• A 'Pitfalls and Trampolines' game board and a set of Pitfalls cards and Trampoline cards for each game in play.

Pitfalls and Trampolines is a fun board game. It can be used at any point within a training event, but is perhaps most useful as a tool for reviewing key learning points and for sharing knowledge and ideas.

Some of the cards may not be applicable to your participants so, before starting the exercise, review all of the Pitfalls and Trampoline cards and remove any that aren't relevant.

Endorsed by The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers, NASBTT.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Pitfalls and Trampolines - Customer Service

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To encourage discussion about customer service.
• To identify common pitfalls to avoid in relation to customer service.
• To highlight and share best practices for satisfying and delighting customers.


This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 60 minutes.

• To encourage discussion about customer service.
• To identify common pitfalls to avoid in relation to customer service.
• To highlight and share best practices for satisfying and delighting customers.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Customer care, communication skills, teamwork and collaboration, creative thinking and problem solving.

Group Size:
In this exercise participants can play individually, although we recommend they play in pairs/small teams.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels especially those in a customer facing role.

You'll Need:
• A counter for every team.
• Dice.
• A 'Pitfalls and Trampolines' game board and a set of Pitfall cards and Trampoline cards for each game in play.

Pitfalls and Trampolines is a fun board game. It can be used at any point within a training event, but is perhaps most useful as a tool for reviewing key learning points and for sharing knowledge and ideas.

Some of the cards may not be applicable to your participants so, before starting the exercise, review all of the Pitfalls and Trampolines cards and remove any that aren’t relevant.

Endorsed by The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers, NASBTT.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Pitfalls and Trampolines - Presentation Skills

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To examine common problems/conundrums associated with giving presentations and discuss ways of overcoming these.
• To highlight and share best practices and tips for making presentations successful.


This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 60 minutes.

• To examine common problems/conundrums associated with giving presentations and discuss ways of overcoming these.
• To highlight and share best practices and tips for making presentations successful.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Presentation skills, communication skills, influence and persuasion, planning and preparation, creative thinking and audience engagement.

Group Size:
In this exercise participants can play individually, although we recommend they play in pairs/small teams.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A counter for every team.
• Dice.
• A 'Pitfalls and Trampolines' game board and a set of Pitfalls cards and Trampoline cards for each game in play.

Pitfalls and Trampolines is a fun board game. It can be used at any point within a training event, but is perhaps most useful as a tool for reviewing key learning points and for sharing knowledge and ideas.

Some of the cards may not be applicable to your participants so, before starting the exercise, review all of the Pitfalls and Trampolines cards and remove any that aren’t relevant.

Endorsed by The National Association of School-Based Teacher Trainers, NASBTT.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Police Chase

In total we estimate this exercise will take 105 minutes.

• To tests individuals’ commitment to teamwork, as well as their ability to communicate effectively and work co-operatively together.
• To explore how participants react when trust within their team is undermined and to observe how well individuals work together when under pressure.
• To examine the impact changes in personnel can have on a team, as well as an opportunity to consider the size at which teams achieve optimum performance, in terms of their decision making abilities.


This game can be played in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 105 minutes.

• To tests individuals’ commitment to teamwork, as well as their ability to communicate effectively and work co-operatively together.
• To explore how participants react when trust within their team is undermined and to observe how well individuals work together when under pressure.
• To examine the impact changes in personnel can have on a team, as well as an opportunity to consider the size at which teams achieve optimum performance, in terms of their decision making abilities.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, problem solving, decision making, teamwork and team dynamics, leadership, conflict, trust, adapting to change and time management.

Group Size:
You’ll need a minimum of 6 participants for this exercise with a minimum of 4 participants required in the criminal gang (5 or more is better) and at least 2 participants in the police team.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• At least two rooms or separate work areas, ideally one for each team.
• A stopwatch, dice and a whistle. (Whistles are optional.)
• A copy of the relevant maps, cards and handouts for each team (available to download).

For larger groups additional Criminal Gang Packs are also available.

This exercise has been designed to look at teamwork in a general sense and to provide an opportunity to think about what happens to teamwork when trust is impaired or missing.

The first 10 minutes, before the exercise begins, should be used to give the teams a chance to clarify their understanding of the rules, and begin thinking about their strategy.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Professor Warmkote's Safe - Teamwork Within and Across Teams

In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.

• To raise awareness of the importance of attention to detail when problem solving.
• To show participants the importance of working effectively, not just within their own team but with other teams too, in order that shared goals might be achieved.
• To test participants’ competitiveness and demonstrate how being overly focused on personal goals can be detrimental to team goals.
• To allow participants the opportunity to practice their analytical and communication skills.


This game can be played in about 75 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 120 minutes.

• To raise awareness of the importance of attention to detail when problem solving.
• To show participants the importance of working effectively, not just within their own team but with other teams too, in order that shared goals might be achieved.
• To test participants’ competitiveness and demonstrate how being overly focused on personal goals can be detrimental to team goals.
• To allow participants the opportunity to practice their analytical and communication skills.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, attention to detail, analytical skills, teamwork and collaboration, leadership, information gathering and problem solving.

Group Size:
This exercise works best when you have between 8 and 16 participants. Participants must be separated into four teams, with roughly the same number of participants in each.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A separate work area for each team, ideally a separate room.
• Access to a (mobile) phone.
• A stopwatch or watch.
• A computer with internet access.

Professor Warmkote's Safe is one of our most challenging team building games, and introduces participants to the eccentric Professor Warmkote. The beauty of this team building game is the need for teams to work together - so this time it's not just about teamwork within teams; teamwork across teams is equally important.

The task? Well each team represents one of the Professor's four daughters - together they need to extract vital information from the Professor's often barmy letters in order to open his safe and get their hands on the 'Elixir of Brilliant Leadership'. Challenging, but fun, with a vast array of learning points that can be developed, this really is experiential learning at its best!


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Remote Teams

In total we estimate this exercise will take 120 minutes.

• To test participant’s abilities to work together effectively, avoiding duplication of effort, confusion and misunderstanding.
• To understand the importance of co-ordinating efforts to share information and resources effectively within and across teams.
• To identify the strengths and weaknesses within their teams and use these to best effect.
• To raise awareness of the importance of clear leadership to help teams achieve a more successful outcome.


This game can be played in about 45-75 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing between 90-120 minutes.

• To test participant’s abilities to work together effectively, avoiding duplication of effort, confusion and misunderstanding.
• To understand the importance of co-ordinating efforts to share information and resources effectively within and across teams.
• To identify the strengths and weaknesses within their teams and use these to best effect.
• To raise awareness of the importance of clear leadership to help teams achieve a more successful outcome.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Teamwork and Collaboration (within and across teams), Leadership, Planning, Time Management, Analytical Skills and Problem Solving.

Group Size:
This exercise can be used with groups of 12 to 100+ participants and works particularly well when you have more than 20 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• One set of ‘Answer Please’ question cards for each team.
• One 44-piece ‘Team Tree’ jigsaw for each team to complete
• A way of identifying the astronauts from each team (e.g. a baseball cap, or sash - one colour for each alliance).
• A copy of the ‘Answer Please’ answers.
• For larger groups you may need ‘nameplates’ to identify the different alliances and helpers to assist with facilitation, each with a scorecard.

We strongly recommend reading the team brief before reading the trainer’s notes, as it will help you to understand the game.


The Department Game - Lessons in Negotiation and Competition

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To raise awareness of the importance of being aware of the ‘bigger picture’.
• Show participants the importance of working effectively not just within their own team but with other teams too, in order that shared goals might be achieved.
• Test participants’ competitiveness and demonstrate how being overly focused on personal goals can be detrimental to team goals.
• Allow participants to practice their negotiation, leadership and communication skills.


This game can be played in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 75 minutes.

• To raise awareness of the importance of being aware of the ‘bigger picture’.
• Show participants the importance of working effectively not just within their own team but with other teams too, in order that shared goals might be achieved.
• Test participants’ competitiveness and demonstrate how being overly focused on personal goals can be detrimental to team goals.
• Allow participants to practice their negotiation, leadership and communication skills.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Communication skills, leadership, negotiation, teamwork and collaboration, and problem solving.

Group Size:
In this exercise, participants work individually or in pairs to negotiate with other individuals/pairs. The activity works with up to 12 people, if they are participating as individuals, or up to 24 if they are working in pairs.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels but particularly team leaders, managers and departmental heads.

You'll Need:
• Small prizes for the winning team(s).
• You’ll need to pre-prepare the Goal Cards and the coloured Part Cards using the download files provided.
• Participants will need space to sit in a circle. (Around a table is ideal.)

This activity is simple to set up, run and to debrief. It is relatively quick and delivers a powerful and focused message. In terms of learning outcomes, it is similar to The Wheel, which can also be found in Trainers’ Library.

This can be a useful and powerful exercise to include in assessment centres where individual’s behaviours are carefully observed and assessed against pre-determined behaviour indicators.


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The Hungry Chick Inn

In total we estimate this exercise will take 180 minutes.

• To test participants’ commitment to teamwork, as well as their ability to communicate effectively and work co-operatively together.
• To test participants’ ability to work together under pressure and apply a structured and systematic approach to completing a task.
• To test participants’ ability to prioritise and plan a range of tasks, based on both urgency and importance.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to prepare a work-plan that will enable them to successfully open the hotel to its guests.


This game can be played in about 90 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 180 minutes (based on 3 teams).

• To test participants’ commitment to teamwork, as well as their ability to communicate effectively and work co-operatively together.
• To test participants’ ability to work together under pressure and apply a structured and systematic approach to completing a task.
• To test participants’ ability to prioritise and plan a range of tasks, based on both urgency and importance.
• To develop team skills and test time management skills.
• To test participants’ abilities to prepare a work-plan that will enable them to successfully open the hotel to its guests.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Project management, teamwork, time management, communication, information gathering, problem solving, attention to detail, planning and analytical thinking.

Group Size:
We suggest running this exercise with teams of 3-5 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels. It can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams.

You'll Need:
• A brief, floor plan and a set of 60 Hungry Chick Inn cards for each team (provided).
• A calculator for each team.
• Plenty of space. (Ideally each of your teams will have a separate breakout room to work in.)

This exercise can be used in a number of ways, and can be applied to many different topics including teamwork, time management, project management and planning. However, it can also be used to examine the role of leaders within teams. If you wish to use the exercise in this way, you might want to pre-assign the role of leader to someone from each team.

The time required for this exercise will be determined by the number of teams. Each team is required to give a 15-minute presentation at the end of their preparation time (90 minutes) and you’ll need to allow a further 30–45 minutes for a general discussion of the key learning points.

Note for Countries where Reference to Alcohol might be Inappropriate:
If you wish to avoid the references to alcohol, you can use the ‘alcohol free’ brief. Cards that reference the Bar can be replaced with those included in the file named ‘alcohol free cards’.


The Wheel - The Importance of Teamwork

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of teamwork.
• To show how, by working together, we have the potential to achieve more.
• To encourage participants to consider the dangers of an overly competitive workplace culture.


This game can be played in about 10 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing 30 minutes.

• To demonstrate the importance of teamwork.
• To show how, by working together, we have the potential to achieve more.
• To encourage participants to consider the dangers of an overly competitive workplace culture.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Teamwork, collaboration, leadership, avoiding assumptions and problem solving.

Group Size:
A minimum of 2 participants are required for this exercise.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A ‘The Wheel’ game board for each team.
• One die and counter for every game board in play.
• Prizes. (For example, a pile of wrapped sweets, or mini chocolate bars.)

If playing the alternative version of the game you’ll need up to a maximum of 8 counters for every game board in play.

This module provides a superb introduction to any training around teamwork and co-operation/collaboration, and has been used successfully with participants at all levels within an organisation, from junior clerical staff to directors. It also provides an ideal introduction to training around the service chain, and internal customer care.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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