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Hi I have been drafted in to create a team building day for a team that have struggled to gel since Covid. Now that many are working remotely (some established members and some very new), there seems to be tittle tattle between them, blame for erro....

Posted by Tracy Windross on 03/07/2024

6  responses

I'm just looking for suggestions around contractual statements that anyone has found to address this situation:- You've spent considerable time in discussion with a client to develop a proposal for a reasonable sized piece of work (£20K), they've ....

Posted by Lindsay Hawkins on 18/06/2024

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Hi all, I am looking into sourcing an online platform to track, manage and report on performance reviews, l& d requirements and career aspirations. Have any of you used such systems that you would recommend? Many thanks in advance Steph....

Posted by Steph Kersey-Lane on 17/06/2024

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I am recruiting for a European Learning & Development manager to join my team and thought it may be a good idea to share here. Please have a look at share with your networks. ....

Posted by Rachel Tata on 06/06/2024

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Hi All, Wondering if any of you have any recommendations for eLearning content in French, German, Spanish and Italian? Unfortunately the eLearning content available on Trainers Library is only in English and not translatable. I have had requests fro....

Posted by Rachel Tata on 31/05/2024

1  responses