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Managing for the First Time Remote Delivery - Course Modules

The transition from team member to team manager can be overwhelming and participants will discover that an entirely different set of goals, rules and a different skill set is required for successful management.

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Authority vs Freedom - Intro to Tannenbaum/Schmidt (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To understand the importance of delegating authority appropriately to other colleagues.
• To introduce the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum to illustrate the benefits of different levels of authority and freedom in different situations.
• To reflect on when it’s appropriate to delegate authority and how much.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To understand the importance of delegating authority appropriately to other colleagues.
• To introduce the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum to illustrate the benefits of different levels of authority and freedom in different situations.
• To reflect on when it’s appropriate to delegate authority and how much.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Those who have responsibility for other staff, or who will do very soon.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Links together with your unique PIN, which you’ll find in My Account.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Building an Understanding of Delegation

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To help participants understand the nature of delegation, why it’s important and the opportunities it presents.
• To encourage participants to begin to think about what effective delegation looks like.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To help participants understand the nature of delegation, why it’s important and the opportunities it presents.
• To encourage participants to begin to think about what effective delegation looks like.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• At least some of your participants will need access to PowerPoint and basic knowledge of how to use PowerPoint.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Delegation - Sink or Swim (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To introduce participants to the subject of delegation.
• To explore what constitutes effective and ineffective delegation.
• To consider best practice when delegating.
• To identify some pitfalls to avoid when delegating.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To introduce participants to the subject of delegation.
• To explore what constitutes effective and ineffective delegation.
• To consider best practice when delegating.
• To identify some pitfalls to avoid when delegating.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Team leaders and managers.

You'll Need:
• To ensure that participants have a number of sheets of blank A4 paper.
• You’ll also need to ensure participants can receive and open the briefs with the instructions for the task when you send it to them. As a contingency, ensure you have each participant’s email address so that the files can be sent that way if necessary.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Difficult Conversations - And How to Plan for Them (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To show participants a five-step model that will help them establish the need for a difficult conversation and plan for a successful outcome.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To show participants a five-step model that will help them establish the need for a difficult conversation and plan for a successful outcome.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
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Handout (Word)

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Difficult Conversations 1 - Why They Need Thinking About (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To identify the types of conversations that people find difficult.
• To explore the potential consequences of avoiding difficult conversations, managing them badly and of managing them effectively.
• To understand the importance of thinking about the purpose of a difficult conversation and preparing for it before it happens.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To identify the types of conversations that people find difficult.
• To explore the potential consequences of avoiding difficult conversations, managing them badly and of managing them effectively.
• To understand the importance of thinking about the purpose of a difficult conversation and preparing for it before it happens.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels, but particularly managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


Difficult Conversations 2 - Planning and Preparation (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To help participants prepare for conversations they find difficult and approach them in a way that is more likely to achieve a positive outcome.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To help participants prepare for conversations they find difficult and approach them in a way that is more likely to achieve a positive outcome.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels but particular managers.

You'll Need:
• To remind participants to bring the questions they produced in Difficult Conversations 1 – Why They Need Thinking About, if you used this session, or send them Handout 1 in advance of the training session if you haven’t.

The exercise in this session involves splitting the group into small teams. However, if you have 5 or fewer participants, you can keep them together in one team, in which case a breakout room is not essential.

This module can also be used as the basis for a 1:1 coaching exercise/discussion.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required - see Notes).


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Difficult Conversations 3 - Using Constructive Language (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To help participants conduct difficult conversations using language that is more likely to achieve a positive outcome for all.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To help participants conduct difficult conversations using language that is more likely to achieve a positive outcome for all.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels and managers in particular.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided, though participants should be encouraged to bring the handouts from the earlier sessions on this topic if you’ve run them.

This module is a natural follow on to Difficult Conversations 1 – Why They Need Thinking About and Difficult Conversations 2 – Planning and Preparation.

This module can be used as the basis for a 1:1 coaching exercise/discussion.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Difficult Conversations 4 - Practical Application (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To give participants the opportunity to practise planning and preparing for a difficult conversation.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To give participants the opportunity to practise planning and preparing for a difficult conversation.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels and managers in particular.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided, though participants should be encouraged to bring the handouts and work from earlier sessions.

This module is a follow up to Difficult Conversations 1-3, and a natural conclusion to those. It reviews the previous work, introduces a structure for difficult conversations and provides a practical opportunity to plan for a real situation.

The activity can be run as a remote training session, with participants working in pairs.

However, if you prefer, you could brief participants by email and run this as a post training activity to be completed back in the workplace. If used in this way, we suggest you review each participant’s work in a follow up 1:1 coaching session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Handout (Word)

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Employee Engagement 1 - What’s in it for Me? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To introduce managers to the subject of employee engagement.
• To consider the differences between staff satisfaction, motivation and employee engagement.
• To help managers begin to understand why employee engagement is central to being a successful manager.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To introduce managers to the subject of employee engagement.
• To consider the differences between staff satisfaction, motivation and employee engagement.
• To help managers begin to understand why employee engagement is central to being a successful manager.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module includes an activity to be completed after the live session. If you’re running other Employee Engagement sessions, you may be able to use them to review and check progress on the action plans.

As this is quite a long session, you might wish to add a 10-15 minute break where indicated in the notes.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Employee Engagement 2 - Job or Organisation? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To encourage managers to think about their team members and how engaged they currently are.
• To consider what action might be required to increase individuals’ sense of pride in the job they do or the organisation they work for.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To encourage managers to think about their team members and how engaged they currently are.
• To consider what action might be required to increase individuals’ sense of pride in the job they do or the organisation they work for.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently.)

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Although the first activity can be run during the session, we recommend sending it out as pre-coursework for participants to complete before joining the live event. This will give them time to reflect more fully on the activity and will also reduce the time required on screen.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (used though not essential).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


Employee Engagement 3 - What Engaging Managers Do (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To explore the role that managers’ behaviours play in employee engagement.
• To identify the behaviours that lead to more engaged teams.
• To consider the impact this has on success.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To explore the role that managers’ behaviours play in employee engagement.
• To identify the behaviours that lead to more engaged teams.
• To consider the impact this has on success.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those who will have imminently).

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Employee Engagement 4 - Building Engagement (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To help participants understand what it feels like to be engaged in their job and the difference it makes to how they feel and the quality of their work.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Participants with managerial responsibility (or those that will have imminently).

It is advisable to start this exercise without too much introduction – just hand out the briefings and let them get on with it.

Whilst this works very well as a stand-alone exercise, we thoroughly recommend using it in conjunction with Employee Engagement 1, Employee Engagement 2 and Employee Engagement 3. .

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).
• Collaborative Whiteboard (required).


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Firm Management ...or Bullying? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To explore the differences between bullying behaviour and that of firm management.
• To understand the impact of organisational culture and norms on managers’ behaviour.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To explore the differences between bullying behaviour and that of firm management.
• To understand the impact of organisational culture and norms on managers’ behaviour.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Supervisors, team leaders and managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

Different countries have different definitions of workplace bullying. You will find it helpful to check for yourself the current definition and any legislation or best practice guidelines applicable to your country and to have these available to share with your participants.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes.
• Breakout Rooms are essential for this module.

Available to Essential
Trainer Notes
Handout (Word)

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Getting SMART - Setting Objectives (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To introduce (or remind participants of) SMART objectives.
• To give participants the opportunity to practice writing SMART objectives.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 35 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To introduce (or remind participants of) SMART objectives.
• To give participants the opportunity to practice writing SMART objectives.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link and your PIN from Trainers’ Library.

This module can be used to introduce SMART for participants who have not encountered the acronym before, or as a refresher for those who have.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Influence and Persuasion - Profile of Power (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To allow participants the opportunity to identify their own sources of power, to know which they need to develop and to have an action plan for doing this.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To allow participants the opportunity to identify their own sources of power, to know which they need to develop and to have an action plan for doing this.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
All managers, but especially those who are new to the role who may feel they have little power of their own to allow them to accomplish results.

You'll Need:
• Participants to complete the first activity prior to the training session.

We strongly recommend running Influence and Persuasion - Where Does the Power to Influence Come From? prior to running this session so that participants have an understanding of the different sources of power we build upon in this session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Influence and Persuasion - The Political Games People Play (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.

• To enable participants to consider the value and difficulty caused by organisational politics and political games.
• To create an understanding that managers cannot avoid politics, so need to know the games in which they may – deliberately or inadvertently – be playing.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 20 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 40 minutes for this module.

• To enable participants to consider the value and difficulty caused by organisational politics and political games.
• To create an understanding that managers cannot avoid politics, so need to know the games in which they may – deliberately or inadvertently – be playing.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
All managers, but particularly those who are new to management and may not understand the political nature of organisations, including their own.

You'll Need:
• Prepared flipcharts with simple 'cartoon' faces drawn on them - one face for each participant.
• Post-it notes.

Politics is often seen as a ‘dirty word’ by many people, or as one in which they have no interest. The purpose of this module is for the participants to gain a more rounded understanding of what politics really means, and the importance politics play in influence and persuasion.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.


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Influence and Persuasion - Where Does the Power to Influence Come From? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 45 minutes.

• To enable participants to understand that the words power and influence are, essentially, interchangeable.
• To help participants understand that power is an asset that can be used to help deliver positive change.
• To help participants understand that there are many sources of power – it doesn’t just come from authority - and to understand where their own power to influence comes from.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 25 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 45 minutes for this module.

• To enable participants to understand that the words power and influence are, essentially, interchangeable.
• To help participants understand that power is an asset that can be used to help deliver positive change.
• To help participants understand that there are many sources of power – it doesn’t just come from authority - and to understand where their own power to influence comes from.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It can be adapted for use in 1-1 training/coaching.

Useful For:
All managers, but particularly those who are new to management and may not understand that power comes from many different sources, not just authority.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link and your PIN from the My Account section of the member homepage.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (not required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Introduction to Giving Feedback (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To build an understanding of the characteristics and differences between constructive feedback, praise and criticism.
• To explain the importance of constructive feedback.
• To build awareness of “good practice” guidelines for providing constructive feedback.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To build an understanding of the characteristics and differences between constructive feedback, praise and criticism.
• To explain the importance of constructive feedback.
• To build awareness of “good practice” guidelines for providing constructive feedback.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Supervisors and first-time managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

If you have fewer than 5 participants, you do not need to use breakout rooms.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.


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Introduction to Transactional Analysis (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To provide participants with a way of understanding behaviour and improving communication.
• To provide a very basic introduction to transactional analysis.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To provide participants with a way of understanding behaviour and improving communication.
• To provide a very basic introduction to transactional analysis.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff up to junior managers.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module is intended to provide a very simple introduction to transactional analysis, a theory developed by Eric Berne in the 1950s. If you are not familiar with transactional analysis you will need to read through all the notes carefully plus the additional material in the handout.

Go through the exercises on your own first so that you can see the rationale. If you have time, try to observe the different types “in play” in your own interactions with people.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (essential).
• Breakout Rooms (recommended for larger groups).


Mentoring - What is Mentoring? (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 50 minutes.

• To enable participants to be able to define mentoring and its purpose.
• To explain the key differences between coaching and mentoring.
• To identify the benefits of effective mentoring to organisations, mentors and protégés.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 50 minutes for this module.

• To enable participants to be able to define mentoring and its purpose.
• To explain the key differences between coaching and mentoring.
• To identify the benefits of effective mentoring to organisations, mentors and protégés.

Group Size:
This module can be used with individuals as well as groups of up to 12 participants.

Useful For:
Anyone who wants to be a mentor and also those who are looking to use a mentor, but want to know more about the mentoring process.

You'll Need:
• To pre-prepare the poll/quiz.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes.
• Breakout Rooms.


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Motivators (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To explore what really motivates and demotivates people.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To explore what really motivates and demotivates people.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• To have created the poll before the session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Remote Team Management - Attitude and Approach (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To consider how managers might need to adapt their attitudes and approach in order to successfully manage a remote team.
• To consider the pitfalls of trying to micro-manage a remote team.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To consider how managers might need to adapt their attitudes and approach in order to successfully manage a remote team.
• To consider the pitfalls of trying to micro-manage a remote team.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
This module is suitable for those who do, or will, manage remote teams.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module is particularly targeted at managers with a tendency to control and micro-manage, and considers the changes they will need to make to their management style in order to successfully manage a remote team.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms.


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Remote Team Management - Limiting Beliefs (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To consider how our beliefs about people impact the way we manage them.
• To consider whether those beliefs and the resulting behaviours will help us effectively manage remote workers.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 15 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

• To consider how our beliefs about people impact the way we manage them.
• To consider whether those beliefs and the resulting behaviours will help us effectively manage remote workers.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
This module is suitable for those who do, or will, manage remote teams.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module encourages participants to consider their beliefs about employees and whether those beliefs and the resulting behaviours they adopt will help them get the best out of remote workers. You can use this in place of Remote Team Management – Attitude and Approach, but consider using that module to reinforce and develop the learning from this.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Polls/Quizzes (required).
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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The Leadership Identikit (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 75 minutes.

• To explore the differences between leadership and management.
• To explore the relationship between leadership and management.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 40 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 75 minutes for this module.

• To explore the differences between leadership and management.
• To explore the relationship between leadership and management.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Team leaders and managers, or those who soon will be.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link in Trainers’ Library.
• Your Activity Link PIN from the My Account section of the member homepage.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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The Mentoring Relationship - Foundations

In total we estimate this exercise will take 85 minutes.

• To enable participants to define the 3 stages of the mentor-protégé relationship.
• To enable mentors and protégés to have clarity about their roles and responsibilities.
• To provide guidelines and templates for managing the relationship.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 85 minutes for this module.

• To enable participants to define the 3 stages of the mentor-protégé relationship.
• To enable mentors and protégés to have clarity about their roles and responsibilities.
• To provide guidelines and templates for managing the relationship.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Both mentors and protégés at any level.

You'll Need:
• Nothing other than the materials provided.

This module involves two parts. We recommend taking a break (minimum 15 minutes) between the two parts, and therefore allowing at least 100 minutes in total for this session.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


The Two Farmers - Managing Team Performance (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 60 minutes.

• To help first time managers to recognise and discuss some of the things that they need to do to build awareness of the team and monitor its performance.
• To help first time managers understand the importance of spotting potential problems quickly and taking appropriate action to help the team overcome these.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.

To help first time managers:
• Recognise and discuss some of the things that they need to do to build awareness of the team and monitor its performance.
• Understand the importance of spotting potential problems quickly and taking appropriate action to help the team overcome these.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s not suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
First time managers who need to reflect on their role and how they can help ensure teams succeed.

You'll Need:
• The Activity Link provided and your unique Pin, which you’ll find in ‘My Account’ section of the member homepage.

This module can be usefully followed by any of the First Time Manager modules.

It can also be a useful inclusion in any training intervention around coaching teams.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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Trouble at the Inn - Managing Poor Performance (R)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 90 minutes.

• To encourage participants to consider different approaches to improving poor performance, and the relative merits of those different approaches.
• To encourage participants to think about appropriate timescales over which they might expect to improve performance and standards.
• To consider the implications of not taking action to improve poor performance.


The exercise in this module can be completed in about 60 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 90-120 minutes for this module (see notes).

• To encourage participants to consider different approaches to improving poor performance, and the relative merits of those different approaches.
• To encourage participants to think about appropriate timescales over which they might expect to improve performance and standards.
• To consider the implications of not taking action to improve poor performance.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 12 participants. It’s also suitable for 1-1 training.

Useful For:
Managers, or those who soon will be.

You'll Need:
To decide how to run this module. You can:
• Set the assignment as a pre-training task to be completed by each team or individual. (We’ve provided suggested wording to use in an email to brief team members/individuals on their task.)
• Run the whole session in real time with a break between the activity and debrief.

There are two different versions of the team brief for this exercise.

For junior managers we recommend using version 1, which contains a list of actions that the managers could consider when dealing with the issues of poor performance.

For more experienced managers, we recommend using version 2, which does not provide any clues about the type of action they could take and encourages them to come up with their own solutions.

This module is ideally suited for inclusion in training around managing change.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
Remote Delivery requires a system that as an absolute minimum provides the following functionality:
• Face-to-face discussion.
• Share screen.
• Chat.
• Share files.

In addition, we strongly recommend using a system that provides for:
• Breakout Rooms (required).


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