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Strategic Thinking Icebreakers and Energisers

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The ability to plan effectively for the future is crucial for any business if they want a competitive advantage. Strategic thinking helps participants understand the need for long term planning, setting goals and priorities, and identify potential risks and opportunities.

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Art Gallery - Creating a Visual Representation (Strategic Thinking)

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To explore the topic of Strategic Thinking.
• To give participants the opportunity to consider what the subject means to them and the other participants currently.


This exercise will take about 25 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To explore the topic of Strategic Thinking.
• To give participants the opportunity to consider what the subject means to them and the other participants currently.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 20 participants.

You'll Need:
• Flipchart paper, colourful pens and coloured stickers or shapes.

As a variation, you can ask your participants to create a collage, instead of a drawing. If you choose this option you will also need a collection of old magazines, postcards, birthday cards etc., scissors and glue.

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Business Planning Word Search

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To identify some of the key themes participants will be exploring in the forthcoming training around business planning.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To identify some of the key themes participants will be exploring in the forthcoming training around business planning.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:
Anyone attending a course or workshop that focuses on business planning.

You'll Need:
• A printed copy of the large (A3) Trainer version of the Word Search grid provided, affixed to a flipchart.

A small prize for the winning team would be nice, though not essential

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A3 Trainer Copy

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Colour Confusion - Who Will Spot the Match?

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To reflect on how well participants work together in a competitive situation.
• To re-energise a group.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To reflect on how well participants work together in a competitive situation.
• To re-energise a group.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One set of the Colour Confusion Cards per team, which you will need to cut out beforehand.

This game is best played in teams with between 3 and 5 participants in each.

Please note, this exercise may not be suitable if you have participants who suffer from colour-blindness, or who are visually impaired.


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Colour Confusion for Accuracy - Testing Accuracy Under Pressure

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To explore how accurate participants can be when working under pressure.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To explore how accurate participants can be when working under pressure.

Group Size:
Can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One set of the Name, Colour and Shape Cards per team, which you will need to cut out beforehand.

This is a more demanding version of the Colour Confusion activity that can be used as a follow-on.

This game is best played in teams with 2-3 participants in each.

Please note, this exercise may not be suitable if you have participants who suffer from colour-blindness, or who are visually impaired.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.


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Course Introduction - A Basic Introduction to Training Events

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To welcome the participants.
• To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other.
• To introduce the facilities.
• To agree the course objectives and timetable.


This exercise will take about 25 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To welcome the participants.
• To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other.
• To introduce the facilities.
• To agree the course objectives and timetable.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
Nothing, other than the materials provided.

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Handout (Word)

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Extra Colour Confusion - Creating a Strategy for Success

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To test participants accuracy under pressure when working in teams.
• To reflect on how they could have improved their performance.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To test participants accuracy under pressure when working in teams.
• To reflect on how they could have improved their performance.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of almost any size.

Useful For:

You'll Need:
• One set of the Name Cards per team, which you will need to cut out beforehand.
• The PowerPoint slides of challenges, provided.

This game is best played in teams with 3-5 participants in each.

Please note, this exercise may not be suitable if you have participants who suffer from colour-blindness, or who are visually impaired.

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Name Cards

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Happy (Half) Hour - Celebrating The Team

In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.

• To encourage participants to think about the culture of their team or organisation.
• To identify the positive aspects of the team or organisation.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.

• To encourage participants to think about the culture of their team or organisation.
• To identify the positive aspects of the team or organisation.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 15 participants.

You'll Need:
•Plenty of transparent plastic glasses - ideally you'll have a variety of sizes and shapes.
• A selection of colourful swizzle sticks (plastic stirrers with shapes at one end).
• Packets of coloured tissue paper in a wide variety of colours.

Small prizes would be a nice touch, but are not essential.

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One Man Brand - How Images Add Impact

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To help participants get to know each other.
• To encourage participants to think about their personal ‘brand’.
• To encourage participants to think about how images can communicate more than words and can make communication more powerful.


This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To help participants get to know each other.
• To encourage participants to think about their personal ‘brand’.
• To encourage participants to think about how images can communicate more than words and can make communication more powerful.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of any size.

You'll Need:
• Blank name tent cards and pens for your participants.

If using this icebreaker in very large groups ask participants to work in small teams and introduce themselves to those team members rather than the whole group.

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Pieland Fling - Improving Communication

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To test participants communication in a fun way and identify areas for improvement.
• To consider the impact poor communication can have on performance levels.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.

• To test participants communication in a fun way and identify areas for improvement.
• To consider the impact poor communication can have on performance levels.

Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 25 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• A bucket (or a bowl if space is limited).
• A timer/stopwatch.
• A flipchart to record the scores.

And for each pair of participants:
• A blindfold.
• 6 soft balls (or tiddlywinks/counters if space is limited). (Each pair must have six balls/counters of the same colour.)

If space is limited, substitute the bucket and soft balls for a bowl and tiddlywinks/counters.

Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.

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Talking in Riddles - How Assumptions Get in the Way

In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.

• To explore how assumptions and previous experiences can prevent us from thinking clearly about a challenge.


This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.

• To explore how assumptions and previous experiences can prevent us from thinking clearly about a challenge.

Group Size:
Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• We have provided a PowerPoint slide for the riddle, alternatively you can write it up in advance on a flipchart.


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Too Close? - Benefits of a Wider Perspective

In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.

• To illustrate, in a fun way, the problem with being too close to a situation or problem.


This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 10 minutes to complete this module.

• To illustrate, in a fun way, the problem with being too close to a situation or problem.

Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size.

You'll Need:
• A small prize for the winner would be a nice addition to this exercise.

The PowerPoint will automatically move to the next slide after a minute.


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