In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To review knowledge, share feedback or quiz participants. • To assess current awareness of a situation or challenge.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To review knowledge, share feedback or quiz participants. • To assess current awareness of a situation or challenge.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 24 participants.
Useful For: Any situation where you want to inject some fun and humour whilst testing your participants’ knowledge or awareness.
You'll Need: • To pre-prepare a series of questions, each with multiple answers.
Notes: Developed to share customer feedback with our team, this is also a great activity to use in any situation where you want to run a quiz where questions have more than one answer. For example, you could use it to test participants’ knowledge of the main features of a product or service, or to remind teams of their successes.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library called Let's See if it's There .
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 40 minutes.
Aims: • To give participants the opportunity to consider what the subject means to them and the other participants currently.
Time: This exercise will take about 30 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 40 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To give participants the opportunity to consider what the subject means to them and the other participants currently. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 20 participants.
You'll Need: Flipchart paper, colourful pens, and coloured stickers or shapes.
Notes: As a variation, you can ask your participants to create a collage, instead of a drawing. If you choose this option you will also need a collection of old magazines, postcards, birthday cards etc., scissors and glue.
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I have used this concept a number of times but rarely as an ice breaker. I find that, at the beginning of a course, the idea of doing a drawing, and then having to diplay it, can really put those who don't feel they have any artistic talent off and inhibit their learning.
However, I have used this varient frequently
a) Divide into 3 small(ish) group and give them 1/3rd of a circle. Ask them to come up with an image, or picture, to represent whatever concept, part of the course, etc you want them to think about. Ususally someone who has an ability will volunteer to do the drawing. When they are finsihed follow the guidence in the trainers notes. Then bring all the parts together into a complete circle and ask if the complete picture has any more meanings.
When I have used this at the end of a programme of training I done the exercise before lunch on the last day and photographed the image. Then I have framed it and given it to participants to take away with them.
Bernadette Walsh
rated this item with 4 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to think about where things go wrong. • To identify behaviours to avoid. • To encourage discussion about the behaviour(s) being explored in the following training.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To encourage participants to think about where things go wrong. • To identify behaviours to avoid. • To encourage discussion about the behaviour(s) being explored in the following training.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 24 participants.
Useful For: Staff at all levels.
You'll Need: • Enough space for small teams to work separately.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.
Aims: • To raise energy levels within the group. • To emphasise some key content. • To check participants' understanding of the content.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 15 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To raise energy levels within the group. • To emphasise some key content. • To check participants' understanding of the content. Group Size: This module can be used with very large groups of more than 25 participants. Useful For: Staff at all levels. You'll Need: • A list of key words/concepts linked to the training. We suggest about 30 words and phrases to ensure the game lasts. You may also want some small prizes for the winners. Notes: You may wish to add some authenticity by pre-writing the words onto pieces of paper/card and putting them into receptacle to draw out.
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Used this idea today on a Risk Management course. Worked really well - in fact became quite competitive - re-inforced learning from earlier sessions - great energiser!
Robert Corteen
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 10 minutes.
Aims: • To energise and engage participants. • To help participants understand why practice makes perfect when learning new skills.
Time: Each individual challenge will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 10 minutes to complete each activity.
Aims: • To energise and engage participants. • To help participants understand why practice makes perfect when learning new skills.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of 6 or more participants.
You'll Need: • 5 sets of the Filing Frenzy shape cards for every team of 3 participants and the PowerPoint Challenges slides. • A stopwatch or timer.
Notes: Each Filing Frenzy! pack contains 10 sets of the shape cards used in this activity.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 10 minutes.
Aims: • To launch a training session in a more interactive way than simple introductions. • To increase energy levels in your participants.
Time: This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 10 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To launch a training session in a more interactive way than simple introductions. • To increase energy levels in your participants.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size. However, you will need to put participants into teams if you have over 16 participants.
You'll Need: • One set of the cards per 16 participants.
Notes: If you expect to run this exercise on more than one occasion, consider laminating the cards.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To establish participants’ worries about the training they’re attending. • To identify participants' concerns and hopes about the training. • To help establish some objectives and ground rules for the training.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion. Aims: • To establish participants’ worries about the training they’re attending. • To identify participants' concerns and hopes about the training. • To help establish some objectives and ground rules for the training. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 20 participants. You'll Need: • A hat or other receptacle.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.
Aims: • To provide an opportunity for participants to share good and bad experiences. • To gather real-life examples that can be referred to throughout the training.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To provide an opportunity for participants to share good and bad experiences. • To gather real-life examples that can be referred to throughout the training.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 20 participants.
You'll Need: • Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: Our thanks to Buffy Sparks for her help in writing this icebreaker.
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I used this as the starter activity for having Weekly Performance one-on-one meetings. I divided the group into two teams and they were assigned to write examples of when Weekly Performance meetings went well (Happy Ever After), how it looked and felt for everyone involved & when Weekly Performance meetings ended badly (Horror) how people felt, repercussions.
Then we could refer to these flip charts for the rest of the session analyzing why the horror stories may have happened & how to avoid that situation. Why & How things went well, consistency, not taking it personally etc.
Extremely effective opener that supported the whole session.
Preayant Kumar
rated this item with 5 stars.
I have only used this once as it needs careful setting up. It unfortunately led one delegate to break down in tears as her horror story was truly horrifying. Fortunately I managed to handle this sensitively but did not expect the level of openness from a delegate on day one! Good learning experience for me, but it does need contextualising from a facilitators point of view.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.
Aims: • To enable participants to articulate how they feel about the training. • To help participants understand how other participants are feeling about the training.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To enable participants to articulate how they feel about the training. • To help participants understand how other participants are feeling about the training.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of up to 20 participants. You'll Need: • One plain paper plate and lollipop stick per participant. (Try to avoid laminated plates, as these can be difficult to draw on.) • Sticky tape. • A selection of marker pens.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.
Aims: • To identify how participants are feeling. • To encourage participants to recognise that they are not alone, and that their feelings are shared by others in the group. • To encourage participants to focus on how they want to feel by the end of the training.
Time: This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To identify how participants are feeling. • To encourage participants to recognise that they are not alone, and that their feelings are shared by others in the group. • To encourage participants to focus on how they want to feel by the end of the training. Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 20 participants. You'll Need: Bank sheets of A4 paper. • Pens/pencils with which to draw.
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I love this icebreaker, it works particularly well with selling skills and presentation skills because people are apprehensive prior to the training.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.
Aims: • To identify how participants are feeling. • To explore their thoughts, fears and concerns in a comfortable way. • To establish learning objectives for the course or programme.
Time: This exercise will take about 10 minutes to run. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To identify how participants are feeling. • To explore their thoughts, fears and concerns in a comfortable way. • To establish learning objectives for the course or programme.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. You'll Need: Flipchart and pens.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.
Aims: • To encourage participants to share good and bad experiences relevant to the subject of your course/workshop. • To help identify issues related to the topic. • To help participants identify key learning objectives for the course/workshop.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To encourage participants to share good and bad experiences relevant to the subject of your course/workshop. • To help identify issues related to the topic. • To help participants identify key learning objectives for the course/workshop.
Group Size: This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 20 participants.
You'll Need: • Two batons, preferably one red (negative) and one green (positive). You can make the batons out of rolled up newspapers/magazines.
Notes: For a fun twist, you might like to replace your batons with sticks of rock (candy), with the ‘winner’ from each round keeping the rock as a prize.
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I’ve found this exercise to be really useful when encouraging participants to discuss the best/worst experiences in sales or customer services. This exercise works well if you’re asking them to consider the service they’ve received and can be really effective asking them to consider the best/worst service they’ve provided. I’ve found that the semi competitive edge to this exercise encourages participants to share an experience where general discussion would maybe fail to draw people out. I remember one particularly powerful workshop where as a result of using this exercise, participants were genuinely honest about the worst service they’ve ever provided. This then led to some really key learning points around what drove their behaviour and how to prevent this in the future. I don’t believe we’d have achieved this level of openness purely through discussion.
Previous Member
In total we estimate this exercise will take 30 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants identify each other. • To identify learning objectives. • To build rapport between participants.
Time: This exercise will take about 20 minutes to run. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion. Aims: • To help participants identify each other. • To identify learning objectives. • To build rapport between participants. Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size. You'll Need: Some coloured felt tip pens or pencils.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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I've used coats of arms before but not using this suggested method until recently. I adapted slightly by asking staff to consider where there service was now, and where they wanted it to be, before doing some action planning with a team using SMART. Very useful.
Roxanne Moran
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 35 minutes.
Aims: • To test participants ability to work together to solve a communication challenge. • To encourage participants to think about communication and the importance of being able to communicate with others. • To consider the importance of checking understanding and taking your whole team with you when change occurs.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 35 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To test participants ability to work together to solve a communication challenge. • To encourage participants to think about communication and the importance of being able to communicate with others. • To consider the importance of checking understanding and taking your whole team with you when change occurs.
Group Size: Suitable for use with groups of up to 12 participants.
Useful For: Staff of all levels.
You'll Need: Nothing other than the materials provided.
Notes: If using this exercise with very large groups, you will need to split participants into smaller teams.
Remote/Virtual Delivery: There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.
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We had a lot of fun with the activity. It provided some competitiveness as well as bringing to life how important clear communication is. As a team, we are rarely in the same room and it opened a conversation about purposeful communication styles and methods
Katie Hastie
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 15 minutes.
Aims: • To recognise that we all have a different viewpoint or perspective. • To understand the importance of keeping an open mind during training.
Time: This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 15 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To recognise that we all have a different viewpoint or perspective. • To understand the importance of keeping an open mind during training.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of almost any size.
You'll Need: • A single apple (or other type of fruit) for your participants to see.
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In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants get to know each other. • To encourage participants share something with the group to help build rapport. • To encourage participants to think about how they feel about the event they’re attending.
Time: This exercise will take about 20 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 25 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To help participants get to know each other. • To encourage participants share something with the group to help build rapport. • To encourage participants to think about how they feel about the event they’re attending.
Group Size: This module can be used with groups of any size.
You'll Need: • A balloon and a small square of paper for each participant.
Notes: If using this exercise in small groups, the balloons should all be the same shape and colour.
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Needed a new introduction-style icebreaker to use on a company that I've been working with for some time. It was an experienced all-male group so I was a bit apprehensive about the suitability, but it went down a storm, they reverted to being children before sharing some useful insights. They also mentioned at the next session, so I would definitely recommend it.
Steve Wood
rated this item with 5 stars.
We have used this ice breaker a number of times and it works great! It is simple, yet so effective. People love doing it.
Sarah Kalicki-Nakamura
Previous Member
rated this item with 5 stars.
Used this today with a group of 12. As anticipated, lots of laughter and fun and at the same time, useful comments made about the expectations of the day. A really good - and different start to the day. Would recommend this opener - and can see lots of possibilities for it. Another 5* offering from Glasstap!!
Robert Corteen
rated this item with 5 stars.
In total we estimate this exercise will take 20 minutes.
Aims: • To help participants identify the values of the other participants. • To understand the importance of questioning and listening to understand others. • To get to know the other participants and build rapport.
Time: This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion.
Aims: • To help participants identify the values of the other participants. • To understand the importance of questioning and listening to understand others. • To get to know the other participants and build rapport.
Group Size: Suitable for use with groups of almost any size.
You'll Need: • A small box or other container.
Notes: This exercise works equally well for groups that know each other and those who have never met before.
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