The exercise in this module can be completed in about 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 60 minutes for this module.
• To introduce participants to the Ladder of Inference.
• To help participants understand how quickly we can leap to assumptions about other people, which in turn can harden into deep-rooted beliefs.
• To understand how our beliefs impact on our communication with others.
Group Size:
This module can be used with groups of up to 15 participants. This exercise works best when the teams have 3-4 participants in each, but you don’t want to have more than 5 teams in total, or the exercise will become too unwieldy.
Useful For:
Everyone who interacts with others at work.
You'll Need:
• An internet connection, the Activity Links and your PIN if you’d like to use the videos.
This exercise can be useful in any communication skills course or workshop, though it is particularly relevant in training that explores difficult conversations, decision making and negotiations. This module works well when immediately preceded by Assumptions - The Witches of Glum
(from the Icebreakers section in Trainers’ Library) as it also challenges our tendency to assume things.
Remote/Virtual Delivery:
There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers’ Library.