This exercise will take about 45 minutes to complete. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 75 minutes to complete this module.
• To explore business planning as a process.
• To identify the typical structure and contents of a business plan.
• To identify the potential readership of a business plan.
• To reflect on the contents of a business plan from a reader's perspective.
Group Size:
This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants.
Useful For:
Staff involved in business planning for the first time.
You'll Need:
Copies of recent business plans.
This module is designed for staff coming to business planning with little prior knowledge, and employed within an established organisation. It will need tailoring for participants who wish to undertake business planning for a completely new venture.
Finance issues are briefly covered but are covered in more detail in a separate module.
Before running this module you will need to obtain copies of recent business plans. If you are an internal facilitator, you could use copies of your own organisation's business plans.
Alternatively, you could search the internet for business plans of real organisations. Many organisations are happy for their plans to be used in training activities, but we do recommend that you obtain their permission first.