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Remote Teams


This game can be played in about 45-75 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion and evaluation, we recommend allowing between 90-120 minutes.

• To test participant’s abilities to work together effectively, avoiding duplication of effort, confusion and misunderstanding.
• To understand the importance of co-ordinating efforts to share information and resources effectively within and across teams.
• To identify the strengths and weaknesses within their teams and use these to best effect.
• To raise awareness of the importance of clear leadership to help teams achieve a more successful outcome.

Skills and Behaviours Tested:
Teamwork and Collaboration (within and across teams), Leadership, Planning, Time Management, Analytical Skills and Problem Solving.

Group Size:
This exercise can be used with groups of 12 to 100+ participants and works particularly well when you have more than 20 participants.

Useful For:
Staff at all levels.

You'll Need:
• One set of ‘Answer Please’ question cards for each team.
• One 44-piece ‘Team Tree’ jigsaw for each team to complete
• A way of identifying the astronauts from each team (e.g. a baseball cap
, or sash - one colour for each alliance).
• A copy of the ‘Answer Please’ answers.
• For larger groups you may need ‘nameplates’ to identify the different alliances and helpers to assist with facilitation, each with a scorecard.

We strongly recommend reading the team brief before reading the trainer’s notes, as it will help you to understand the game.