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Negotiation Skills


Important - Please read before downloading!
We’re currently updating our complete courses. Where the number of downloads shown to the right is greater than one, it means that the course is in the new format and the combined trainer’s notes for the entire course can be downloaded as one file. The number tells you how many downloads will be used when you download this file.

This complete course is still in the old format so the single download referred to on the right is the course agenda. The course modules referenced in the agenda will need to be download individually and will each count as one download from your allowance (if you have one).

The exercises in this course agenda can be completed within 3 hours 30 minutes. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 7 hours 30 minutes to deliver (excluding breaks).

• To identify where participants can develop and improve their negotiating skills.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Demonstrate the importance of building a clear understanding of needs and feelings in negotiation, through effective questioning and listening.
• Be aware of the importance of being aware of the ‘bigger picture’.
• Explain how being overly focused on personal goals can be detrimental to shared goals.
• Describe a number of assertiveness techniques and demonstrate the ability to assertively make and refuse requests.
• Explain the importance of understanding the needs and feelings of others in negotiation.
• Demonstrate an understanding of how to overcome differences and the value of a shared problem/creative solution finding approach to negotiation.

Group Size:
This course can be used with groups of up to 15 participants.

Useful For:
Anyone who needs to improve their negotiating skills, from purchasers to suppliers and from administrators to managers.

You'll Need:
• To send the pre-course email to participants.
• Laminated posters - one for each of the headings covering the 15 tips from the article 'Better Bargaining'.
• Masking tape or similar.
• Pre-prepared goal cards and colour cards (The Department Game).
• One Island of Opportunity map for each group of 3 or 4 tribes.
• Chinagraph pencils (or similar) and wipes.
• Sweets of various colours – at least two per participant.

This is a complete course created using a range of modules from Trainers’ Library. It shows how modules can be combined to create an effective training intervention.

The agenda provides an overview of the training event with each of the icebreakers, course modules etc. taken from Trainers’ Library highlighted in blue. You will need the trainer’s notes, handouts and any other supporting materials for all of the Trainers’ Library material included in the course.

Please take time to read through the detail of the Trainers’ Library briefs for each of the modules we’ve suggested including in this programme. We’ve also included additional notes in the agenda to help you deliver a well constructed and coherent learning intervention.

This course has been designed for use with all levels of staff and is intended to help participants improve their negotiation skills. It uses blended learning: Participants are asked to carefully read and consider an article. They will then put into practice the ideas in this on the course day. There is a pre-course email for you to send to your participants, which explains how this works.

This just one of many possible courses on the topic of negotiation.


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Course Agenda (Word)

Counts as 1 download.

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