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Diversity Program

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The question was posted by Andrea on 27/03/2018 11:25:46

Hello everyone,
I've been asked to pull together a Diversity program for a company in Singapore. Does anyone have anything that they can share with me would be so appreciative. There is just so much on this subject that it's somewhat daunting.

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Hi Andrea,

I run a half a day programme around Equality & Diversity. I'm more than happy to send you the course content if you'd like to have a look at it?

Yes, "Cronies, Dandis, and Ords" can certainly be shared. I got the idea because I wanted to convert the Garry Shirts concept of dealing with cultural differences in his simulation, Bafa Bafa, to "quick and dirty" role-pays. There is nothing new under the Sun. It's just taking one idea, putting it together with another idea to create a third idea. Sort of like Steve Jobs at Apple asking the question, "Why do we have a cell phone separate from a computer? Why not combine them?"
thanks Gary for the feedback on that, is this something you would be open to sharing?
A few years ago, I developed an activity called "Cronies, Dandis, and Ords." It consists of a series of simple role-plays that get at cross-cultural differences, e.g., proximity, language, voice inflection, body language, and the like. The activity is useful for diversity training.

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