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Talk - The Rules

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Trainers’ Talk is probably the industry’s most friendly and relaxed forum and we want to keep it that way. To help us achieve this, we ask all contributors to abide by the following three simple rules:

1) Responses to questions posted on Trainers' Talk, must respond to the question asked, and must comply with the type of response the member posting the original question has indicated is sought. For example, you will not promote your own solutions or products if the member posting the question has not requested this type of response.

2) Any posting to Trainers' Talk must show respect for other members using the service and in particular should not contain language that could be deemed offensive or abusive, or personal attacks of any kind.

3) Any posting to Trainers' Talk must not breach anyone else's copyright or encourage breach of copyright. This includes offering to share copyrighted material with other members.

We reserve the right to remove any posting which, at our sole discretion, we feel does not abide by the spirit of these rules.

Other Points

1) Trainers' Talk is a question and answer forum that allows members to share opinions, and ideas. It is operated exclusively for Glasstap’s members. It is not intended to provide definitive answers. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any posting on this site is accepted by the contributors or the site owners. In all cases, appropriate professional advice should be sought before making a decision.

2) We ask members to consider taking a few minutes to create a simple public profile, by logging into Glasstap®, and clicking on the Public Profile tab (under My Account). Providing that you include your email address in your public profile, other users will be able to get in touch if, for example, you offer help through the forum. If you don’t have a public profile and want to enable other members to contact you direct, you will need to include your email address in your posting.

3) If you're concerned about any posting on Trainers' Talk, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

4) You can see a full copy of all the terms applicable to Trainers’ Talk (and our other services), by clicking here.

5) Finally, just in case you're wondering, you won't be paid for any advice you give through Trainers' Talk, by us, or the member posting the original question. :-)