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Team Feedback for a New Manager

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The question was posted by Marilyn on 20/07/2018 09:37:38

I am coaching a manager with limited experience who has asked if I can arrange to get open and honest feedback on her management skills from her reports - a team of 6. The group is too small for a full on 360 and annonymity will be difficult. My thought is to do 1-1 interviews with structured questions and collate the results. I am concerned about how to present this to the team without undermining the manager and ensuring that I get honest feedback. I am expecting fairly positive feedback but you never know. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas/experience that might help? Much appreciated. Marilyn

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Excellent news. Good luck with your coaching.

All the best

That looks perfect, thank you.
Hi Marilyn

Have you looked at Managers' Self Assessment (

It is a really simple 360 tool whereby the manager scores themselves and then compare the results with the scores their colleagues have given them. If you want to anonymise the responses you can just average the scores given by the colleagues.

The criteria evaluated are also a good way to structure your questions for face to face conversations if you would prefer.

Good luck


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