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Police chase

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The question was posted by Joyce on 02/08/2018 15:53:29

Hello all,

I'm planning to run this tomorrow and am familiarising myself with the materials. I wonder though, the instruction says one of the gang members will be taken in to the central point and he/she will roll a die to determine if he/she manage to escapes or not. My question is, if the escape is successful, won't this person be telling the gang that a die is used to determine the escape and has nothing to do with whether or not he/she is a mole?

Also, I feel that the police team has less opportunity to showcase their teamwork, or any distruption to cause them not trust in each other. Will it help if I tell the police that there's a mole within them as well?

If you have done this previously, please share your experience. Many thanks!

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Hi Joyce

Good question about whether all the person has to do is say it was all on the role of a die. However, experience tells me that when trust breaks down (and the briefs are written in such a way as to make it highly likely) no one knows who to believe, especially as not all the criminals will return to the gang. So there will always be some people who will wonder if the gang members who return are being honest or lying....

With regard to the police team, the difference in the maps (when the criminal gang has hideouts that the police don't realise they have) is enough to cause the police team to doubt. It is really important that we don't specifically tell them that there is a mole. Participants need to experience the breakdown of trust without any 'outside interference'. This is because the best learning will come when the participants to start questioning whether they can trust someone, without having solid proof that they can't.

I hope this helps you, Joyce. Enjoy running the session :-)

All the best


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