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Transactional Analysis

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The question was posted by Anjana on 27/11/2018 11:39:47

I have been asked to develop a 2 day workshop on Transactional Analysis for the purposes of increasing self awareness and teamwork. Does anyone have any material on TA, Drivers etc they would be willing to share and that would be useful?

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Just to add to Rod's post. I use the Introduction to TA regularly, and it is great as a starting point. However, maximum is 90 minutes. Gill.
Visit this page; there is a good TA PPT under People Management. If you do use the slides please acknowledge source. I hope this I helpful.
H Anjana,

I'm guessing you've already seen this, but just in case:

Introduction to Transactional Analysis:

Hope this helps.

I would recommend at least two books on TA for you to read: "I'm O.K., You're O.K." by Thomas Harris, and "Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments" by Muriel James. A fundamental premise of TA is that when we communicate, we tend to send our messages from one of three places--from the Parent in us (P), from the Adult in us (A), or from the Child in us (C). Concurrently, we tend to receive our messages from our P, A, or C. As just one example: too many couples communicate to each other from P to C. That is, they talk to each other as if one is the parent trying to teach the other lessons as if the other were a child. As a mature married couple, they should try to talk A to A.

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