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Team building card game

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The question was posted by Jane on 10/02/2020 13:57:51

I went to a forum today and did an excellent team game called the 'wall of Zadok' - essentially each member of the team has a number of different cards with information on them, and without showing the cards to each other they have to talk about what messages/information they have to be able to work out when the Zadok wall was built. The facilitator couldn't share the resources (or the author) with me but I know there are other versions (one I've heard of is an Obelisk of some kind??!!)so was wondering if anyone in the group could help me locate this or something similar. An help would be appreciated - thanks in advance!! Jane

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Thanks to Gill and Caroline for their help! Jane
Hi Jane - if you Google Zin exercise you will find this online - however, it is licenced. If you go to this address they will provide this for Ā£12.95 -

Hope this helps, Regards Gill
Hi Jane If you Google Zin Obelisk you will find the activity many times (with instructions). It's a great game to encourage collaboration, co-operation and information sharing as well as exploring problem solving techniques.

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