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Coaching Contract

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The question was posted by Becky on 12/02/2020 15:16:06

Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone out there can help me with this one...

As an inhouse training manager and coach, I do an amount of 121 coaching which I enjoy. However, I have had to review how I am qualifying some of this work and I want to put a 3 way coaching contract in place (between myself, the coachee and the manager of the coachee). Does anyone have a coaching contract I could use as a place to start designing my own? I've had a look at the mentoring modules in Trainer's library but it's not quite what I am looking for.

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Hi Karen, that's very perceptive of you!! Thanks for your response - I'll email you!!!
Hi Rebecca, there are contracts available for private coaches working with clients, but I too have yet to find one for a coach working with a manager and their direct report. The 3-way relationship does work very well in terms of accountability, but it comes with it's own challenges! I will ask my coaching network if anyone has one. I was interested to hear that you say that you have had to review how you are qualifying some of this work and wonder if there has been an issue that has led you to this place? Happy to chat off line if it helps - just email me on [email protected]. I have experience of working both as an external and internal coach.

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