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The question was posted by Paul on 18/02/2020 14:03:06

I thought I read someone say there were samples of coaching/training contracts that we could use on here somewhere. Can someone point me in the right direction?

If not would anyone be willing to share what you use? I engage most of my clients without a contract although some of them use one with me.


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I am also interested in something that relates to facilitating workshop training as well. Maybe both can be adapted to do so.

Thanks everyone.
Hi Paul There is a sample coach contract/agreement on the ICF website which might provide a useful starting point. Regards Angie
Hi Paul,

Yes, it was me!! I'm looking for a coaching contract - a 3 way one!! Through Trainer's library, I've made contact with a kind lady who may be able to help both of us!! I'll happily share (with the lady's permission) anything I am able to glean from our conversation. There is something on contracts in one of the modules in Mentoring, and although some of it I can use, I need a very specific contract. If you are able to share your contact details with me (an email address would be ideal), I'll let you know if I come up with anything you might be able to use as a place to start from? My email address is [email protected], if you'd like to connect!


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