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Using TEAMS for Training with guests who want to present

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The question was posted by Leonie on 16/09/2020 17:48:24

Hi - URGENT - help required - we cant use ZOOM and are working with trainer to use TEAMs
what is the best and easiest way to use TEAMS to facilitate training, break out rooms and a guest trainer using a guest account? What are the options for a guest and for a member of staff hosting and using organisations TEAMs? How to enable all functionality for a guest and as a registered member (employee of organisation). Also switch off and on video and mics

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Hi Leoni, I see you've signed up for the Microsoft training day. I also found some great tutorials, hints & tips for using Teams with The Virtual Training company. You'll find them on Youtube

good luck
Thank you Leonie - I'll keep an eye out for future events
Hi Caroline -
I just checked for you and online registration is now closed - I found it on Linked In -
Hi Leonie/Mark Is it possible to share the link to the 4hour session you mention? Thank you
Hi Mark - I saw that on LinkedIn and signed up straight away - thanks for the nod though Leonie
Hi Leonie On top of all the great reply's you've had, on the 29th September, Microsoft are running a four hour session all about the use of teams. i recently did a session using police chase using multiple rooms and it worked really well.
Thanks Michelle - I will share any hints and tips I come across in case they provide some help -thanks again everyone
I echo what Sarah is saying, and it works well, although lacks the simplicity of zoom. I am joined as to the Banks team, however, as I am not an employee of them, I don't appear to have access to all elements, like whiteboard etc. Sharing screens works fine though. Good luck :)
Thanks Karen - I agree they are all really helpful - we just seem to have hit a bit of a stumbling block and are working out how to overcome it. Will take another delve - no harm in looking. Thanks again Leonie
Hi if you go on to the Teams App, there are a lot of 'How to' videos. You can also google MS Teams. There are a huge amount of guides that will help you.
Good Morning - Thank you both, your help is much appreciated :-) Linda I will email you directly
Hi Leonie, I have a step-by-step guide that was created for us that will answer a lot of this. If you email me I'll send it to you. [email protected] Linda.
Hi Leonie - we use TEAMS all the time. It's best if you set up the invite and then invite your guest to your meeting. They can share their screen just like webex or zoom. You will see mic and camera icons just click to turn them off. Breakout rooms are not so easy - I just set up separate invites for each room and then run them at the same time, you will need to add the delegates to each room separately and send that room to the room delegates ONLY the invite - set up the room with 2 owners at least and the next can be members, that way if someone leaves the meeting just doesn't abruptly end.

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