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Accountability and motivational Talk to Team Leaders

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The question was posted by Anjana on 22/10/2021 09:56:35

I have been asked to do a motivational talk to 20 team leaders for one hour next Tuesday as part of the away day. The purpose of the away day is to reset and reconnect to the cultural change they are trying to advocate - move from authoritarian leadership to compassionate leadership.

The main thing for mey client from my talk is leaving them with a sense of 'we can do this' and accountability for making the changes they want to see rather than waiting for others to do it for them. TLs are great at calling out some of their challenges but not at actually taking the initiative to solve them themselves. So to focus on this and leave them with that motivated feeling and a sense of personal accountability that'll follow them through on the day.

Any ideas please - would like an interactive feel as well as some content

Thank you in advance

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