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Looking for Interviewees for Video Testimonials

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The question was posted by Rod on 10/05/2023 12:23:37

I was discussing marketing with our India/Middle East representatives yesterday and they suggested having some video testimonials. We've always been a bit shy about asking for testimonials, but as I think it's a great idea, I'm biting the bullet and asking if anyone would be willing to hop on a very short zoom call with me to answer a few questions. Questions like:

How long have you been a Trainers' Library customer?
How did you discover Trainers' Library?
What are your favourite Trainers' Library activities?
What do you consider to be the key benefits of membership? How has it helped you?
What feedback do you get from participants when using Trainers' Library materials?
What would you say to someone who's thinking about joining?

I also want to hear your ideas for the future development of Trainers' Library and what you'd like us to change/do differently/improve.

The hope is we can, with your permission, record some interviews and then compile the responses into a series of short videos that focus on one or two questions and which we can use in our marketing on social media etc. Everyone who participates will be given a free place on any Discovery Day of their choosing (spaces permitting).

If you're interested/willing to be interviewed and for your responses to be used as a blatant promotional tool (whilst hopefully giving us really valuable feedback) please get in touch by emailing me at [email protected], or by commenting here.

I know it's a big ask, so thank you in advance to anyone who volunteers!


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Rod has requested the following response type(s):
General advice and information:
Recommendations of other people's products and service.
(Those responding will not be able to promote their own services):
Information from Trainers' Library members about their products and services that will help me:

Happy to help, Rod....although I'm not in a corporate.
I'd be happy to help Rod.
Rod, I'd be happy to be interviewed if you still need any more!
Hey Rod
I'm happy to get involved just give me the heads up so that I can make myself video presentable!
I'd be happy to be interviewed Rod.
A massive thank you to all those who have already participated/helped with creating our video testimonials. You've all been brilliant!

If anyone else (particularly from the corporate world) would be willing to be recorded answering a few questions on Zoom over the next two weeks please let me know. The intention is to create some video adverts/testimonials using the questions and a mix of the responses we receive. The interview takes about 10 minutes and there's a free Discovery Day ticket (and my very deep gratitude)on offer for anyone who's interviewed. :-)

Thanks again.

Hi Rod I am pretty new to Trainers Library, however more than happy to be interviewed! Angie
Happy to do this for you Rod - name the date and time and business permitting, I'll be there for you! (I feel a song coming on!)
Also happy to help.
It's a yes from me.
Hi Rod, I think this is a great idea and I would be happy to be interviewed. Best, Pauline

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