Responses | Date | Author |
Hi Sarah Try the ice breaker - introductions. I?ve used this very effectively to introduce rapport and trust. I sometimes change the questions to be relevant to the topic or more probing to encourage disclosure Clare |
| 02/06/2023 | Clare |
Hi, I have used Sheep Trails very successfully both online and In person workshops to build trust. Best wishes Pooja |
| 02/06/2023 | Pooja |
Sarah I often use the Trust Equation when getting teams/ leaders to think about trust. It looks at 4 elements that make up trust and how we can build or lose it - credibility, reliability, intimacy and self interest. There's a great mini free assessment on the website, and I get people to brainstorm each element and what they can do to build trust in that area e.g. self interest - start with their agenda 1st in 1-to-1 not mine / intimacy - find a common point of interest. |
| 02/06/2023 | Caroline |
| 01/06/2023 | Rod |