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Virtual platform

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The question was posted by Charlotte on 07/06/2023 10:03:31

Hi there, I am exploring which virtual platform to use for online training and wondered if anyone had any preferences and why. My initial preference is Microsoft Teams as I find it much more user friendly and has some great adds on such as polls and recording but I am conscious I don't know much about any other platforms out there so might be making a too rash decision. Thanks

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I agree with all of the previous posts stating Zoom is by far the best platform for training. The trouble is, many corporate clients are still wary of it, for reasons that relate to the early days of Zoom, when it's security wasn't the best. Zoom have now rectified that and it is no longer an issue. Despite this, many organisations prefer to use MS Teams, and so I have to use that platform when delivering webinars at such places. I only comment, to let you know that you may encounter that resistance.
Thank you so much everyone looks like I will be joining the world of Zoom :)
Like Bob, we use Teams in-house but for live training, Zoom is far superior. We build all of our remote content around Zoom, with work-arounds where necessary, simply because we believe Zoom remains the most user-friendly (for participants and the facilitator), complete, secure and cost effective solution for virtual training, particularly if you want to facilitate learning that is truly engaging and interactive.
Hi Charlotte, Teams is great in-house but my choice would always be Zoom and if you have a licence and unlimited time its an excellent tool for delivering any form of collaborative training/coaching event. Zoom was a life save during the pandemic and we still managed to deliver all our Wellbeing programme, D & I Training and some of our Management Development Training on the platform. The use of whiteboard and breakout rooms made it virtually (literally) the same as a training room and you can still engage better i think than with Teams. Bob
I fully agree with Lindsey in all aspects about Zoom being the better platform for me when working with my clients. Also happy to chat if you want. Good Luck! Lottie
Thanks so much Lindsay, I am an external trainer so really useful to know the below.
Hi Charlotte, first thing is whether you are an internal or external trainer. If you are internal and your company uses Teams it is sensible to work with it, it does most things any other software does does but personally I find it a bit more clunky. As a user of both, and an external trainer, I use Zoom whenever I can, it is much easier to set up meetings with a mix of people from different organisations and has easier functionality than Teams in my view. Breakout rooms have a countdown when you close them rather than the immediate response in Teams which often cuts people off mid sentence. It's easy to use other add on resources like mural and mentimeter and very reliable. Hope that helps but happy to talk any specifics that you are unsure about with you.

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