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Commercial/Business Acumen

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The question was posted by Sue on 24/05/2023 15:11:50

Hi - I need to find an activity for about and hour to start to explore commercial/business acumen has anyone used anything before or could make a suggestion? Thanks

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Hi Sue,

Can you elaborate a bit on your request. Are you looking for financial acumen or something else. What are the key objectives you're trying to achieve. There are a few modules in Trainers' Library that I know will probably help, and I'll put some links below, but if you could provide a bit more detail, I might be able to recommend others.

Boom or Bust - An Introduction to Profit and Loss Statements and Cashflow Forecasting

Business Planning and Introduction

Hotel Doldrums Business Simulation (This is the link to the complete 'team building' version but there is also a version broken down into three sections in Course Modules.)

Hope this helps.


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